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The Kulture Study: SOMI "What You Waiting For" MV

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Tania Duran

Agreed with your assessment about this song being better for Somi. I think it fits her really well! This song is co produced by Teddy, R. TEE, and 24. And Somi helped write it :)


Hope there will be an album too.


this is soooo much better than the thing she did first...what's it called? oh yea Birthday. I really did not like that thing for Somi. Whatever image I had of her did absolutely not match that song, but this is kinda right for her :)

Marcela Pereira

I wasn't familiar with her (didn't watch Produce nor listened to IOI) but I listened to a radio performance and I was truly surprised! She did great and I love her vocal tone a lot. Tho, I gotta say I kinda expected more for the choreo but overall I loved everything about this comeback <3


Gave the song a 3/10. To stale and way to american pop-like. I like Somi, but her talent is being wasted.

Frédérique Nadeau

It took a long time because of the pandemic situation. On her youtube channel, she had a series where she shows the creative journey of the song. The comeback was supposed to be after the series but on the last episode she says that the MV idea they had would have been filmed in a foreign country. Now that it is no longuer possible, they had to delay the comeback for an unknown period of time (at the time)


I agree, it is a lot more her style and fits her vocal tone really well, I just think it gets boring after a while. It doesn't go anywhere or do anything for me

Ryan Khosravi

I like the visuals for this song a lot more, but besides that I think it gets a little boring. Perhaps to a Korean audience it won’t feel that way, but I usually listen to k-pop to get more complex sounds and this feels slightly boring for me.

Alice May

i’m pretty sure somi wrote and produced it and then took it to teddy who did whatever he does with it that’s what i gathered from the credits and her show at least


I actually love this song, its nice seeing a light edm song coming out of Kpop, its really similar to what I've been listening to this summer so it fits right in to my playlist :)


Not gonna lie, if I heard this at Tomorrowland/EDC I wouldn't have that this would've been Somi or Kpop