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I was gonna watch the Seventeen comeback show which is an hour long but all of the hour long videos are ass quality. The individual performances are all 1080p and on the official MNET channel tho. Anyone know of any good quality versions or am I gonna have to watch just the individual performances?


Julia Mon

I think I may be better to watch the individual videos for the performances though cause Fearless you need that good 1080p quality

Ashley P

i know a .ts file for it but that requires a download


The only ones I found were 720p

Erica Manzano

👀 I have it.. but I need to find a good way to upload it without the quality dropping




Yap.. The camera angles and the way it is shot is different in individual videos and the FULL comeback show. Comeback show had some closeups while individual one had very few. Full comeback video was better in my opinion, since it complements the songs well, specially FEARLESS.

Erica Manzano

Idk if you still need it but mine finally uploaded! https://drive.google.com/file/d/16FmgbRi1C_5_s3DJCUClcuWbnxNPiWN-/view?usp=drivesdk