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It's about time that we switch up our thumbnails. We need a new format to "entice" new viewers so that we can find new subscriber to grow the channel. Our thumbnails have more or so "inspired" others YouTubers (for lack of a better word) so we no longer stand out anymore and look like we just muddle in with the rest. So here are some new proposed thumbnail styles!

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

So the idea is to have a cleaner look and replacing screenshots of my reactions from the video and putting an official photo of me to sort of make it look more clean and have a consistent branding. Let me know which one you guys like most and leave a comment as to why you chose which one; your feedback is GREATLY appreciated!



I like 1 & 4! But I like 1 slightly more, the yellow is iconic now


Damn... They all look good 😬.... But 1 is easily the nicest. 2 feels empty.


I like 3 and 1. 3 is because you in the thumbnail with the artist so I think it is good for newcomers to see a shot with you and the artist in the thumbnail


3 could look really good if it was "keyed out" better, but I'm sure you already know that. For now, I'd say 4, with 1 as a close second.


I like 3. 1. Feels like a Step Up movie logo. 2. Is too empty. 4. Feels like a Patreon border and it looks like it’s isolating you from the work. 3. Uses the space well and puts a feeling of you actually in the work.

Violet Joo

None of the above. I like PD screenshots. Especially those which PD's mind is blown away 😆.


I think 4 is better than 1 because people might still need to see your face to keep the reaction personable


I like option one but I feel like you could maybe still put your tiny icon of you on there !


I chose 3 because people love PD's face and it is a majestic pose, and it's fun cuz it looks like PD is with the artist (as opposed to 4 with the circle around PD)


Personal opinions of someone trying to become a content editor: #2 suffers from the same blank space issue you pointed out in Cravity's MV; #3 is very similar to what you're currently doing; and in #1 the roughness of the logo clashes with the clean aesthetic of the rest of the image. The last one is the cleanest & makes the best use of space. In terms of branding, I'd suggest finding a way to incorporate the logo into your photo, maybe in the border or on your shirt.

Erica Manzano

Def 1 or 3 but I like 3 better because it feels less cluttered

L. O.C.

agreed. 1 is messy. 4 is perfect cos it has both their faces.


My vote is for #4. I really love the yellow 'Form of Therapy' logo in #1, but I think #4 looks the best. I'd love to see this yellow logo at the top instead of the white text.


I went for number 4 and number one was a close second.


1 feels messy and disconnected. 2 is too empty. 3 feels too similar to what you currently do. 4 feels clean and precise and matches your aesthetic, provides a look at you as the creator, and still focuses on the content in the background as well. 4 is a nice balance.

Mellie Martinez

It was between 3 and 4 for me. 1 was fine but I felt like the yellow form of therapy seemed out of place with the rest of the thumbnail. I like that I could see it more and it filled the negative space from 2 a lot which is a plus and it stood out more amongst the rest of the background. I chose 3 because I enjoyed seeing you (the creator) in the thumbnail with the artist side by side. It felt much more cohesive, taking away the negative space from 2 but neither overbearing the rest of the space or shrinking away from it either. It gives a clear view of you and what your reacting to.


Option one is really eye-catching to me—but I guess it might also depend on the rest of the colours (would it always be yellow?) When including your photo, I like the frame in option four since it feels like you’re commenting on the item in the rest of the thumbnail, which you are.


I get why a lot of people are voting for 1, I do like it too(I love yellow so...), but analyzing it I think it might be problematic to fit photos of multiple people without covering them with it, and also it’s not as clean as the other options. 2 is too empty and vague(it could be a lyric video, a fan made video, a choreography video, etc). I really like 3, but I agree with some comments that say it’s too similar to what you already do. So my vote goes to 4. Clean, shows your face(the creator) but in a way that separates you a little from the artist(the topic)


I think 3 or 4 definitely, they look a lot more pleasing to the eye and it’s nice to have you in the thumbnail


I agree with people on nº4. From time to time I look up new reactors and I hardly ever click on videos in which only the idol/group appear in the thumbnail (maybe personal preference) I also like nº1 but the logo may not “fit” every design, specially if you change the colors for every video. I REALLY like the logo you use for the Deep Dive series; it would be awesome if you had one for The Kulture Study, it will help to establish and differentiate your own “brand” and reactions. I actually checked your older thumbnails, and in them the title of the song was the “highlighted” part; now the artist’s name is bigger. Did you find it to be more appealing for viewers to have it the other way around?


Big fan of option 1. I like 2 as a base if you brought back the screencaps of your reactions. Idk having a screencap from from that video just feels more genuine, if thats the right way to say it.

Aubrey Whetten

4 for me - I like the branding of 1 - the yellow will stand out a lot and brand it more heavily, but the photo of the fourth is will create the same stamp look while giving you a bit more freedom when it comes to long titles and artist names

L. O.C.

yall, vote for 4. it has PD's face and the artist. it's clean. 1 doesn't have their face and the yellow is jarring


I like 1 the most. It stands out the most. If you're scrolling through reactions it's the only one I'd notice. It's also like putting your touch/opinions/perspective on the mvs with the form of therapy in yellow. Some people say it doesn't look clean, but isn't that the point? It's supposed to stand out from the rest of the thumbnail. Honestly, I think it's best to keep your reaction on the thumbnail. These work for the more professional look, but when people are looking for reactions they often want to see a preview of it in the thumbnail. They want to know what they're getting. That's how it is for me at least, I don't often click on them if I can't see their face in the thumbnail. It feels more personable that way. It'd be kind cool life you had a camera template and put the thumbnail on the screen and your reaction in the viewfinder.

Meruka Hinaru

As a designer myself, I think option 4 is the best, you can see your face, the artist and the name, in a very clean way. In option 3, you would have to cut yourself every time and it might be more time consuming, which makes be annoyed in your behalf hahaha


Actually I don't like seeing the reaction in the thumbnail. A still image of a reaction looks kinda dumb tbh. Option 1 makes it look like a poster of sorts. The jarring yellow color fits well in contrast to the other colors ;)

Kate M

I like #4 best because the circle around your picture makes it clear that Form of Therapy is your channel.


As a graphic designer I would say 3 is currently the most pleasing to the eyes but 4 is the right idea. I would make a few adjustments though. Instead of you in the circle I would cut off the top left corner and put your cut out in there with Form of Therapy tilted along the bottom of the triangle. This will makes it clear that you are form of therapy. Then you can adjust Chungha and her image as needed. Keeping the rule of thirds in mind you may want to move her image closer to the center but still a little off center. Love the options though.


I picked the third and the fourth one. The second one feels too empty to me and the first one feels like something is missing as well. Thank you for asking 😊


I picked option 4. Option 2 actually looks the cleanest but it just looks like it’s the artists video. 4 makes it clear that it’s your video about that artist. 3 looks like a cool movie poster. On 1 the yellow is too distracting. Overall 4 is the best.


4 looks clean as hell


4th option looks clean and symmetrical so it’s satisfying to look at!


Definitely #4 imo. It's really clean and the picture makes it obvious that it's your channel. #1 looks cool too but the yellow stands out a bit too much and the font style sort of contrasts with how clean and satisfying the rest of it is. #2 isn't quite as eye catching, and #3 isn't quite as clean as #4.


I really like the yellow of option 1! But I also think we need PD on the front too. I personally like the clean circle picture of option 4 compared to 3. Option two feels a little empty and off balance without something on the left side.


Honestly, I would've chosen option 1 if it weren't for the fact that it says "Form of Therapy" twice. In my opinion, the next best one is option 4. It's super clean.

Mark Bauckhage

Exactly, the yellow from Option 1 looks amazing but the overall look with the clean picture of Option 4 is better overall. Maybe combining them would be possible.

Juanita Freeman

I think option 4 because at one point I had seen a few of your videos but I didn’t know the channel name but I recognized your face. Also, I like to see who’s reacting before I click.