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Hey guys so I'm gonna take a quick break today and won't be uploading new releases (aside from the kulture study video of demian that already went out). I spent the whole night and morning working on the new community website. Oh and by the way take a look at that and let me know what you think. It's optimized for BOTH desktop and mobile: fotcommunity.com

Now what you see there is LIVE and it's where the brand new schedule will live. If you visit the schedule on MOBILE, you can see it in a nice scroll pattern. However if you go on a DESKTOP you can view it on a scroll of this week's releases but ALSO a monthly calendar that has videos scheduled throughout the month if I get that far ahead. The new schedule link will be fotcommunity.com/schedule

Here's also a secret PREVIEW of our new "master list". It will help you navigate our entire Patreon archive EASILY. This is NOT done yet and I need some time to finish it because I have to create sub menus within sub menus cus I'm gonna make it SUPER simple for y'all. Try not to share this link because it's not available to see in the header menu without a link: fotcommunity.com/artists

And like I said, I'm gonna take a break today. Been filming everyday to A) get patreon content out to you guys daily and at least 4 videos a day and B) working on this website. The body pain is catching up with me so there's a Psych marathon going on today so I'm gonna chill with my girlfriend and then get back to filming tomorrow. Tomorrow and Sunday I'm going nuts and film TWO WEEKS worth of content so that I can take the entire next week off and just rest during this quarantine. Even though I'll be on a week long break, content will still go out because of it! So I'm just sacrificing one day to cover about 10 days worth of content. Might stream during this week.

Anyway, be sure to stay safe during this time and remember to take it sleazy!



Site looks great so far! 👍👍


It's beautiful!!


PD and crew, this site looks amazing! Keep up all the great work, but don't work yourself tired! I know that all of us fans will be patiently waiting for any sort of content!


Get some rest PD, we appreciate all your hard work!!!


Nice website. Next week is alot of releases. Take some time and come back stronger :)


I really like the website! I remember years ago when you said that you wanted to make one to put your original content so you wouldn't have to depend on youtube forever. So I'm glad that you were able to finally do it. And don't worry, take all the rest you need. If you are not feelling ok because of lack of rest you definitely won't be as productive as you would want to be.


Thats fine take your time its ok

Talise Snyder

You deserve a break and I'm glad you're taking care of yourself!

Mira S

Hey PD, take as much time as you need!! Your health is the most important thing for us :D


Thanks for your hard work PD!! Take as much time as you need. :)

Christina M Villa

Nice website! I've also been watching the Psych marathon. It's nice and comforting these days