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I want to start testing out concepts for a video series where I talk about and explain Korean stuff. It doesn’t have to be a hard concept tied down to one thing so it can be an episode talking about food, a particular word you want me to explain, explain a song, explain a cultural thing etc.

Let me know what you want me to talk about or explain or have always been curious about!



Could you talk about the social order system? Kpop training and what it entails? Your favorite foods?

Niko Foronda

Ohhh this is going to be so interesting!!


I love this! I'm really fascinated by language. No matter what you choose to talk about, it would be awesome to include some Korean words and teach viewers to pronounce them correctly. I have a hard time finding sources with actually helpful pronunciation (slow, clear, and well-lit, ideally).


Sounds awesome! I really want to start learning Korean, would be very interesting!


I am 3000% interested in this. I think I'm interested in the culture and language as a whole... so anything imo would be cool to learn.

francisco pizarro

sounds really interesting, cultural things and how the kpop industry works (contracts, idol lifestyle, life after being an idol, etc...) could be really good topics...

Giu Bressani

I recently started taking classes and would really appreciate if you did this!


Can you explain why Koreans love ballads so much?? I, like you, an not a ballad person & it kind of baffles & frustrates me when all I want is something uptempo. 😅

Leon Hockenberger

Would really love to hear your take on Seo Taiji and Boys and how you think they influenced korean culture and music back then 🙌

Kei G

A quick runthru of social order system! Specifically, what takes precedence age or seniority? Does it differ in different situations? Are there some professions that are ranked higher and get respect no matter what? When two people of equal power are talking is it age that takes precedence? How does the same age thing work, like how Daehwi is same age friends with 00 lines even tho he is 01? Thanks!


Sounds interesting! I'd love a video talking about the significance of satori. E.g how specific dialects and accents are tied to specific stereotypes in Korean society.


i like this idea! i've been studying korean for some time now and anything would be helpful! i have one question though, is there anything very important that i should always remember while speaking/studying it? (for example any rules, unspoken rules that everyone just 'knows' etc)


as someone who's trying to learn Korean this sounds awesome! any topic would be good, but i would love if you talked about Korean food or about the age system (as someone else mentioned)


Great idea...Kulture class. Would love to know more about the foods, social customs, kpop industry etc. You and Megan should do a “couples cook Korean” segment. As others noted anything would be interesting. There are too many “I’m a cute girl teaching english in Seoul and this is my life” videos and they are all the same. You have the unique view of being on both sides, Korean and American.


I love this idea.!! I would happily watch and learn about the korean culture!

Tessa Newberry

Personally, I would love to learn about the history of pretty much any kind of art and media in Korea! I took an East Asian art history class at uni and I've always wanted to learn more. I feel like I don't know a lot about the culture around film making and stuff.


I always really enjoy listening to videos that explain Korean songs. There's a lot of nuance and cultural references that can be lost in a simple translation, so I really enjoy hearing from people who can understand both sides, and articulate what it means.

Tessa Newberry

Haha! This would actually be interesting. I really grew to appreciate Korean ballads because of my boyfriend bc it's really all he listens to, but I was the same way for a while. I think a video on the history of music in Korea vs other countries and how that influences pop music today would be awesome. Like why rock-influence isn't as popular which I always theorize is because Korean didn't have the rock and roll days.... but I could be way off.

Christina M Villa

The culture of food. I know there are certain rules to follow when eating and drinking, but am a bit confused on what they are and when to use them.


There was a recent TWICE video posted with Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu taking a "nonsense quiz". I think there are a lot of Korean puns in it, because even with the English subtitles, I was very lost. Any chance you can watch and review that video and explain the puns?


Recently Not So Daily started their first K-Drama and they asked if there was a Guide to the Basics of it and there is not a single one. I would love to see a Guide to the Basics of Korean Culture for anyone that starts to get into any form of Korean entertainment.


Love this idea. Could you go over what “huel” means? I hear it some times and through contests I think it means something like oh my god or wow but I would love to know. I think I heard Minnie say it is her favorite Koran expression but that it was hard to translate.

Jennifer Parker

I think something about re-occuring visual imagery in music videos that are culturally based. I Like the flower road & use of thorns type stuff


Maybe the HUEL spelling is throwing me off but idk what you’re referring to. Do you know the Korean spelling or better yet have a clip for reference?


Basic culture stuff! food!!! what is good and bad in the culture like putting silverware a specific way and so forth! Common words or phrases

Talise Snyder

Common phrases that don't translate directly to english?

Talise Snyder

Respect for older people as a big part of Korean culture?


I remembered something I've been curious about for a long time!!!: how do pronouns work for nonbinary people? Since hyung/noona/unnie/oppa are dependent on the binary, what do you do when one (or both) people are both/neither/everything in between male & female?


I've always been curious about gestures specific to korean culture. Im only aware of the sideways head tilt thing when they feel like they're going to do something hard or don't get something and the bowing on the floor to express gratitude (don't know the whole picture of it though)


Can you tell us something about plastic surgery in korea? I heard, that it's actually a pretty big thing there and in what dimension koreans use it. Also in relation to idols. Would be extremely interesting. Also I wanted to compliment you for the amount of work you put into your patreon. I just recently became your patreon and do not regret anything

mia du

Please explain a seventeen song 😭 or funny korean phrases used to joke around friends