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In case you haven't seen the videos on my channel, we recently started a community Minecraft server! It's an idea I had for a long time that I finally pulled the trigger on. I'm officially renting a server through a host so this server exists 24/7 even when I'm not on, though I do play every day.

I moved forward with this idea because I know a lot of people are bored during quarantine and this is also a way for people to satisfy their socializing needs within the comforts of your own home.

Before you join us, here's a couple things you need to know and some rules!

Server IP:

Difficulty: HARD (we want it to be challenging)

When you first spawn you'll spawn in the community town square. Please do not build immediately in the town. The point is to keep expanding the town or if you want, set off on your own and embark on an adventure. So if you want to build in the town, please find a big empty plot of land first.

When you first spawn you'll also see a community chest. The point of this community chest is to fill you with basic materials so you can skip over the initial wood age and jump straight into stone materials along with food. The availability of this chest is random though. It's based on an honor system and we hope that if people take from it, they'll put back in just as many material for future beginners. If not, go find a tree and get started!

You'll also notice that the community has a shared farm for crops. You are free to farm the crops for wheat and make yourself bread but if you do, please replenish the crops and replant the seeds. Again, this is a COMMUNITY so we hope that you replace what you take so the farm is a sustainable cycle.

There is also a farm of sheep (various dyes) and a farm of cows and chickens. Feel free to shear the sheep for wool, please do not kill. But feel free to kill cows and chickens for meat but use the wheat from the farm to feed them so that they breed more so that the livestock stays replenished.

Griefing of any kind is not tolerated. We're trying to be a friendly community so griefers and trolls will be perma-banned.

Last rule, right by the crop farm is my home/building shared with my girlfriend, a sign you'll see that says "PD & Meg's Home". Please do NOT randomly enter our home or make any alterations to our home. We worked really hard to make our home. Do not break stuff on our home and do not build or mine near our home. I get that some people think it's funny to ruin our stuff but we had people building on top of our home and mining underneath our home when we first started and it was a pain to destroy everything and fill up the mine. People straight up came into our house and just dug straight down and were coming in and out of the mine. Please be respectful of our things but this applies to other people's properties as well. Remember, we CAN ban users.

Also this isn't a rule but we try to sleep every night to keep the daily cycles go faster. It helps us avoid monsters at night (we're on hard mode remember) and also makes the crops grow faster. So once it's night, consider sleeping in a bed. If you are in a mind or don't have a bed or far from your home, do what many others do. A lot of people will leave the server for 20 seconds ~ 1 minute and then the rest of us will sleep. When the day cycle resets, people will come back in. Again, we don't always have to do this and obviously it will be more difficult depending on how many people are in the game at the time but we tend to do it very well with many of us!

The server also has a 120 person capacity and it's first come first serve. It usually doesn't lag unless there's a ton of people on so please understand!

Anyway, hope this server allows you all to explore your creativity, fight your boredom, and maybe socialize and make some new e-friends. 

See you all in Minecraft!



that's so great, thanks pd!! haven't played minecraft in ages but might start again since quarantine boredom is killing me

Aya Farhani

I want to join the server but I think I need a port number bc I can’t join it with the server address only :(

Aya Farhani

I can send you a screenshot on instagram dm so you know what I mean


i think you’ll like cignatures’ comeback 🙊🙊🙊🙊