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Hey all just wanted to update y’all. We’ve taken a brief break from the office due to Corona concerns while our building does some sanitization. We did some shopping for the office including furniture but also sanitization stuff like hand sanitizers, gloves and masks.

So that’s why there weren’t any new videos today and probably won’t be tomorrow either but we will try to have things up and running by Friday but if not for sure on Monday!

Sorry about the delay, just trying to keep everyone safe at the office.



Always take care Pd! Waiting for your uploads soon!


PD, your health is more important and you have a staff now so you are responsible for them too. I think everybody realizes the situation is serious right now so just do what you need to do to keep everyone safe there!


Health is always important.


bouncy bounce make it pop pop pop


masks dont help fam stay safe


Totally get it!


Things are getting real. My husband works in San Diego at the community college and they are saying they plan to have all classes go online on the 16th and possibly closing campus. My kid's school's are also talking about closing but for now all extra school activities have been suspended. Dont force yourself to get back into the office if it isn't safe. Much rather have no videos and a healthy PD. 💕

Kaitlin McCaw

I'm glad to hear you are looking after you and yours. But please keep in mind that only specific types of masks provide protection and that sanitizing commonly touched surfaces should be done regularly, not just one time. Take care. ❤