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I need to post about something personal (it's nothing sad don't worry) but I don't know if I should type it out or record an audio file for it. If I type it out it's gonna be a long ass read for y'all, if I record an audio file it'll be a long listen (15 minutes maybe?)

Let me know which y'all would prefer.

Also don't give me the "ohhh do whatever you want or is easiest for you" like no I literally don't know what to do and I want to go with what a majority of people want.


Angie H.

What can I say, I like to read

SpacedOut Vy

in the most loving way i am trying to convey without diving into my own personal issues, listening is more of a commitment than reading

Anna Kariawil

English isn't my native language. Strangely, I prefer to listen. It's much easier and faster to understand


Text is always gonna be easier. Much more forgiving since you can write out a draft, edit, elaborate, etc. and get it right before publishing. Audio is gonna be less concise unless you use notes or a script, but in that case you might as well just release a text version. However, you say this is something personal, and voice can help convey that better, so that's one consideration. I voted for text post for simplicity's sake.


I flipped a coin and Audio Recording won. Honestly, though, either way, is fine with me.