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OK so I really didn't want to make this post because it felt embarrassing and I have a lot of pride but I've pretty much backed myself into a corner.

So I'm going on vacation for the first time in 4 years. The last time I went on vacation I just drove 4 hours to Vegas and stayed in a hotel for a week. At the time I needed it because it was a long needed break from my crazy stressful hours juggling multiple jobs. And that time has come again.

Last year in 2019 I traveled A LOT but I damn nearly had a mental breakdown because I only traveled to work. I took over 20+ flights/buses and not a single one of them was for personal pleasure, it was all for some kind of work. It's also largely why I moved to LA because I couldn't handle the traveling back and forth.

So in 2020 I promised myself I would both not only travel less but also try to only travel for myself, if I do. 

Later this week I'm going to Iceland. It was a sort of early birthday gift to myself (my birthday was February 19th woot woot) that I booked in January. I don't know if anyone has noticed but my mental health has been deteriorating for the past few years which has led to multiple suicide attempts. And this isn't a pity party, I'm happy and healthy now and never got that way in 2019. But the decline of my sanity has been a mix of both personal things in my life and also YouTube.

It's been a mix of the crazy odd hours, almost never sleeping, pumping out content and not making a decent enough living to pay the bills, etc... I'm not depressed but I am burnt out. And fucking tired. I can't remember a time when I had a week of decent sleep. I've been at this for four years, accumulated 300,000 wonderful viewers like you but god do I need a break.

So I'm going to Iceland. It's one of my dream vacation spots along with Ireland and the Maldives, those of which I plan to travel sometime in the future. But I needed to do this one. Get away from the Internet for a week, travel and be one with nature but absolutely jaw droppingly beautiful nature that reminds me what it means to be alive.

But I fucked up.

So as you guys know, I got an office this month. First of all, thank you all for making that possible. Holy fucking shit getting my own office, no matter how small, was a dream of mine. I've been filming out of my bedroom, living room, and apartment for all these years. It feels nice to be breaking out from that.

But getting the office was a last minute decision. I literally saw this place on Craigslist the first day I started looking and I got it within 2 days. I made the decision quick because this place was being taken up fast and the monthly rent is really good and most of all they were willing to let us do WHATEVER we wanted with the room, even paint and build a set. It was a good thing I jumped on it too because the day I came to visit, there were still a few spots available but then 2 days later when I came to sign the lease, everything was snatched up. 

But getting the office meant having to pay the deposit, first month and last month's rent. I had to basically put down most of my spending money for the month. I was hoping our Patreon would boost enough to make up for what I needed for this month but we're into our last week of February and I'm not near the mark.

So basically, I haven't been able to book our hotels or our rental car for Iceland. All we have are our plane tickets and...that's it. And we leave in 5 days :D I'm taking me and my girlfriend and the thing is, we're both crazy so we're gonna say fuck it and still go. But all I have in my bank account is what I need for rent and that's it, and I don't wanna risk rent anymore, heck even one of our Patrons Dylan helped us out this month to get internet installed for us so that I wouldn't risk it.

But this isn't Internet. This isn't rent. These aren't broken glasses, or a broken lens, or a fucked up camera. This is just a vacation. I've always been a lone wolf type, only reaching out whenever it was absolutely necessary and dire but this isn't absolutely necessary, it's just a vacation. We're in Iceland Feb 29-March 8, my next month paycheck rolls in around the 4th so I really only need enough to keep us going to the first half of the week. After that we should be OK. 

It was my birthday a few days ago and one of our Patrons messaged me asking me for my PayPal because they wanted to donate something for my birthday beyond just my patronage. I turned it down and didn't tell them because I was too proud, too proud to admit that it would actually help a lot because needing funds for a vacation felt...selfish.

But I figured I'd go out on a limb and reach out. If anyone wants to help out, I'd really appreciate it. Hell, if we could even get enough for a rental car, we can just sleep in the car for a few days (because the hotel is pretty pricey), but any amount would really go along. Anyway, if you want to donate to the vacation fund you can PayPal media@formoftherapy.com or use paypal.me/formoftherapy 

But I have to preface this is NOT necessary. This is NOT a requirement. This is not me begging because this is not a dire situation. This is just me reaching out.

Anyway, check out our schedule and no worries, uploads will be going out CONSISTENTLY even while I'm gone!



I get it! Don't worry!


I'm really tight on money myself but I'm sure plenty of people would be willing to help! It can be hard to ask for something like this and I'm sure you were worried posting this but everyone here loves you. Iceland is beautiful and I hope you and your girlfriend have a wonderful time ❤️


PD i wish i could help you out, i’m a student though so i doubt i could do enough for you than patreon. I hope you get enough to rent a car at least, and that your trip goes amazingly!! Also i’m an Irish patron and it’s honestly so nice to hear you want to come here!! Ireland will welcome you with open arms whenever you decide to visit! :) ❤️ good luck!

Shannon Small

Iceland really is lovely, I hope you can make things work enough to have a relaxing time! (Worst comes to worst, find a really cheap hot springs and the two of you can laze around all day)

Kate M

Have a wonderful vacation!


As a fellow proud person, I understand how hard it must have been to post. I'm really proud of you for asking for help! Self care is super important, and you truly have value beyond your work. So, enjoy your vacation. I hope it's fun and healing for you and your girlfriend!


Have a nice vacation and turn your phone off! XD just kidding just have fun and hopefully get a nice rest 😊


Thank you for being so open. That couldn’t have been easy to share. One thing you may consider is asking viewers if they would be willing to host you. Some people have extra rooms or spaces available. You may not feel comfortable with this but I think some viewers would love to host you. Or at the very least a lot of people probably have great cheap ideas. Just something to think about.


Ufgfff, sometimes I which I had money... Thank you for posting this, I know it's hard to ask for help and you might say that this trip is not something that is absolutely necessary (sorry, English is not my native language and I can't think of the word I wanna use, this is the word that comes most close to what I want to say)...I think this trip is necessary for you 💝 it'll be a little outlet from all the stress and we all know we need that sometimes...As of right now I don't have a lot of money to spare, I've donated a little, I know it's not a lot but even smaller things can grow if they multiply .....if I ever get more money I'm surely gonna upgrade my patreon subscription tho...


Its important to watch over our mental health, For some of us depression and anxiety isn't something that goes away but we learn to cope with it and fight against it. Last year has been good for me, not great but better then recent years. I hope you enjoy your time and every second in Iceland I heard it was BREATHTAKING(old meme don't care) 파이팅!


Just sent $100 your way for the vacation. Enjoy Iceland. Haseul (from LOONA) had a miserable time but hopefully yours will go better, LOL.


Might be able to send something.. but payday is the 29th so it would be cutting it close. We are also trying to do something special for a weekend or spring break so it won't be a lot but I hope it helps. I hope you have a great and healing trip.


We are also trying to move from a cooped up apartment to a house. It's been difficult making the decision to pay to go to Disney which we used to do every year or get into a house sooner. Since would see the trip as unnecessary or irresponsible. All our bills are paid, rent is paid etc etc... but its been 3 years since we did our "annual " trip. I lost my mom and brother at a young age and it taught me to value time differently. Spending time making memories and renewing your spark for life is incredibly important. Much more important than having to wait a few more months to get into a house... and it takes guts to lay it all out there. Don't feel guilty or embarrassed. You are simply going through life. We are the family that supports you. It's natural for toy to reach out. Hugs💕


Sry... toy=you... 😋

Violet Joo

I couldn't send you much but I hope it helps you a little bit in your vacation 🙂

Carly Pearl

$28 for 28th birthday gift. Only downside is the difference between Canadian and US dollars. Also I think when you do your intro for kulture study you could also mention how you also have insight into Korean culture being Korean.


I couldn't send much but I really do hope that it helps you out and allows you to enjoy a good meal :)


I was only able to send a little bit, but I hope it goes toward you having a wonderful and relaxing vacay/mental health break ❤


Hey PD. I've followed you on YouTube for a while and I genuinely love your content. I'm newer to your patreon but I joined cause I wanted to support you directly for all that you do. I'm happy to send a little extra now during a time of need, especially cause you deserve the vacation. Take $25 my man! Much luv, keep being amazing!

Keshia Hunter

I get paid on the 29th! I’ll try my bestestestest to send some vaca monies too! Looks like you might have enough for a rental for a lil while atleast from the lovelies in the comments! Hope others are able to Help out

Kahu (Atiny_NZ)

Nothing wrong with asking for help 🙏🏻 I’m sorry but I could only transfer $50.00 USD 😅 (It’s not pay week plus NZD ain’t that great compared to USD lol) I hope you and your gf have a lovely trip though! You deserve a break! I hear Iceland is kind of similar to New Zealand with all the sceneries.. just a lil bit colder 🥶 Take care xo

Rachel G

I just got a chance to read your post. Firstly, Happy Belated Birthday! Secondly, I am happy you and your girlfriend are going on a vacation - as you really deserve one! Lastly, I sent what I could so I hope it helps towards a rental car and/or a hotel, and I wish I could send more but it seems like other Patreons are pitching in too. :D


Just sent you a little something. It is not much but I hope it adds up. Have a nice vacation.

Lana Oren

I never was a Patreon, and I never sent money to someone or something. But I always wanted to support you the first moment I can. So now that I’m a student and is work, I’m happy I can chip in a very small amount but still something. You are an amazing creator and that is why i always wanted to become a Patreon. I sent a small amount, but you fucking deserve the vacation!!!!! Hope in the future I will be able to be a bigger supporter! OH AND LATE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! ❤️