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I’m depressed, I’ve been shit on, sent to the verge of tears and it’s only 11AM.

What a great birthday.


Zoey Sama

We're here for you PD! I hope you feel better~ sending lots of love ❤❤❤❤


Hang in there, PD.


I couldn’t hope for a better birthday; you’re so lucky🥳 Hope it gets bettet


I’m sorry PD. I just found out I might have BPD so it’s also been a sad day. But hang in there 💕

Keshia Hunter

Im a new years baby won't think that gives me power over all birthdays! I hearby move your bday to the weekend!


PD U GOT THIS!here for you!happy birthday my M !

Jeremy Kenyon

That just means the bad shit's getting out of the way early and this evening is going to kick ass! I hope you've got something nice and chill planned with your friends to just relax later (or go hard if that's what you prefer :D).

Lan Nguyen

:hugs: I hope the day gets better and you have a amazing birthday 🥳🎂


Just wanted you to know that you are loved and appreciated by so many! Your content, not only on yt but other platforms as well, genuinely makes my day and puts me in a good mood so I hope your day gets sosososo much better!! Happy Birthday!!

Leon Hockenberger

We're Here for you as much as possible. You got this. You're aww some ❤️


i don’t understand why birthdays tend to be one of the saddest days of the year for so many people. literally every year my bday continues to get progressively worse. so sorry you’re feeling like that on a day like today :( go to your fav dessert place PD :(( get something nice for yourself and go easy, things most likely aren’t your fault if it’s about the bank stuff from earlier. Groupys are here for you <3


There are still over 12hrs left on your birthday, so things can still look up! Since saying "Happy birthday" seems a little insensitive right now, here's to a better birthday during the remaining day, and to a great year starting this second!

Lauren Gibbs

I really hope your day gets better! I appreciate your videos so much and they make me feel better on my bad days. I hope all our messages can make your day even a lil bit better!! <3 <3


Love you Pd you’ll get through this


It's the law that if you have a bad birthday, you can legally postpone it until a better day, and then have the birthday you deserve. I hope things get much better for you very quickly, and I'm sure they will. We're here for you! <3


We Patreons will always support you now matter what. Hang in there PD. Just let it all out. We'll take all your anger and frustration and send it back as love and joy :]

Victoria-Lynn Myers

Just know that people see you, and that your pain and emotions are felt by those who really care for you. You’re not alone.


We love you, PD. You mean a lot to a lot of people.


You share a birthday with my mom who loves you and your videos as much as I do. She and I wish you well and hope you have a happy birthday 💕💕


Keep doing you man. That's one of the things I respect most about you. You have your ideals and you stick to them even when others (who are expected to show you love and support) oppose them. You've grown so much and are living a life that gives others so much joy. Happy birthday man, you deserve the best. Don't know what's going on but we with you.


Terrible, sad days are why god (and JYP) made TWICE. I'm convinced of this. Antidepressants, TWICE, and tea have gotten me through some dark days. Highly recommended.

Kate M

I'm so sorry it's an awful day. I hope it's improved by the time this posts.


OH NO 😢 I don’t want my PD sad and depressed on his birthday. I ain’t got nothing to cheer you up I guess. But I’m here if you wanna talk.

L. O.C.

happy birthday, PD. hope your birthday ends better than it initially started. we're always here for you if you need anything.

Christina M Villa

I had the worst birthday a few years ago. My grandfather had been injured at his care home the day after Christmas and he was so far into his Alzheimers that he refused to go back, with nowhere to put him until we found a new home for him, he had to be checked into a mental ward of a hospital. So, I got to spend my birthday in a mental ward visiting my grandpa who kept telling me about the people who were trying to attack him and he didn't trust anyone. After that I stopped caring about the actual day and just cared about spending time with friends or family.


Peeeeee Deeeeeeeeeee (that looks funny written out lol) We love you and I'm so sorry

Violet Joo

Hey PD happy b-day. I know how hard is to be a korean immigrant and have to help your parents. Hope the problem with the check is solved and I hope your day becomes better. Your groupies love you and care a lot about you :). Hope our messages make your day a little more happy.


i'm so sorry you're going through all that. my last birthday was really sad, i was feeling really depressed and only got out of the house bc i forced myself to celebrate with my family. i don't think anything i could say right now is going to cheer you up, but things get better, they really do. i hope our messages make you feel at least a little happy, we love you and we're here for you 💕


i'm very sorry to hear about your bad day. just remember that bad times don't last forever. i hope these messages help to remind you that people care and love for you, and you are not alone. happy birthday. <3

Sarah Love

I’ve always been a quiet Patreon of yours but I wanted to share with you how just absolutely amazing you are. You’ve given me a lot in my life and your perseverance and dedication to the work you love keeps me so awe inspired. I’m so so sorry that you have to spend your birthday the way you did. I can’t cheer you up with anything but all I can say is we love you PD and if need be we will celebrate your birthday together on here because we want to celebrate how happy we are that you were brought into this world. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


It really hurts me to see you suffer because I feel like there's nothing I really can do from here. I just want you to know that when I'm depressed I come here to see your videos and forget about everything or just rewatch my favorite ones and that makes me feel better. Music is really healing and I also feel like I am not alone anymore. Just know that we understand you and we will support you forever.

Syazraid Aidil

Don’t be so sad😔we’re all here for you, even if just for a little bit✊🏻even if other people don’t care, we always will hehe🥰