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2020-02-13 08-30-44.mp4



HOLY MOLY indeed🙏👏🏼


This song was the intro song to the survival show. How the show was set up was really weird and kind of confusing to explain, but in short - whoever was the top 7 at the end of each episode got to perform the intro song at the start of the next episode. I was so hyped for their debut last year, but YG pushed it back because of last year’s controversies. During that time period one of the rappers had left the group. I love this song so much and I can’t wait to see what they do when they debut.


It's been stuck in my head for 2 days. The dancing is stellar. YG you better not hurt me again.


Hahaha the Silent PD, that greatest of honor :D

Kei G

Going Crazy was essentially the theme song for Treasure Box (their survival show). As much as I actually abhorred the show because it was kind of a mess and unusually cruel to the boys, all the boys in Treasure now are really talented! Their debut date is not yet set, but they've released several versions of Going Crazy (onsie vers plus vertical cam ones), and they're currently dropping Treasure Map which is like their own reality show!


Ok. Wow. I have SO MUCH to say. So, uhh, yeah, Treasure already went through a LOT lmao, this is gonna be long… The survival show they did, « Treasure Box », is incredibly hard to explain ejrhfceruineu Basically, there were originally 4 teams: group A composed of the trainees that had spent the longest time at YG, group B composed of the trainees that just entered YG months ago, group C with the youngest trainees, and group J with Japanese trainees who only ever trained in Japan. They all got separated, and the goal was to get in « Treasure 7 », the group that would get to debut (keep in mind, YG never revealed how many members he wanted in the final group. We only found out after the show ended it was a MESS). « Going Crazy » was the song that the first members of « Treasure 7 » got to perform early during the show (kind off like a reward), and at the end they also did a version with every trainee, it sort of became the song of the show so I really doubt it’s their debut song. Okay next, long story short Treasure Box ends on January 18th 2019 with 13 members in the final group « TREASURE », but YG gets numerous scandals and we get a year of hiatus with absolutely no news of the group. During that year, one member leaves so now we’ve got 12 members, and. Oh. My. God. You can tell that they worked their asses off during that time. They’ve improved so much in every aspect, especially the synchronization??? I keep thinking about the trainees who only had a few months of experience when we met them, and now they’re this good it’s just crazy. Honestly I had lost a little interest due to the complete hiatus but I’m falling in love all over again. I personally think the tone and color of their voices really makes them different, they just sound so so good together. Also the rapline that you really like is composed of one Korean member (Hyunsuk, the one with the call me freaky boy line, also the leader) and the two others are Japanese! Haruto, the center at the beginning who throws a finger heart and Yoshi, with the 24/7, errday coming line! Anyways this is getting way too long but they really went through a lot, I feel like they’re different people from the trainees we knew last year. They’ve obviously matured a lot and progressed so much and they have soooooo much potential. When the show ended it was a mess, I feel like no one really liked the full lineup but now it’s just crystal clear this is gonna work fire. I can’t wait for their debut, sadly no date announced yet but I’m very hopeful! And we’ll FINALLY get to stream the masterpiece that is Going Crazy, this OT12 version will probably be on the album!!! Sorry for this enormous comment but we waited so long for them, TREASURE really indeed makes me go crazy lmao. I’ll be waiting for your reaction to their debut!!


Please react to Treasure Map to get to know them better! The episodes are between 4 & 20 Minutes! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG4U66ceLh80BCE_NxXdEsltXlgpchO6R


I forgot how catchy this song is.... It's stuck in my head again. Pls help


This song is on Spotify (not this full 12 member version), but a version they did on the show.

Kim Chaewon

I think the best way to put what this song is as a Theme Song. It’s their version of what Pick Me was for the produce 101 shows AND BOIIII U HAVENT SEEN ANYTHING YET THIS SONG BARELY SHOWCASED HOW INSANE THEY ARE

Kim Chaewon

I would love to recommend like a “guide” video of the members for you to really see how good they are but ik you dont really do those types of videos :( MAYBE SINCE UR ALREADY HYPED U WOULD BUT LET ME KNOW IF UR INTERESTED


You should watch treasure box :)