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So today I achieved one of my career milestones, a dream, and one of my new year resolutions. At 10 in the morning today, on 01.20.20, I signed a lease agreement and paid a deposit on a space that will become the first official office and studio space for Form of Therapy.

It'll probably take all of February and most of March to get this place 100% completely ready but we'll be painting and building sets the first few weeks of February and actually move in and begin working out of the office by mid to late February. There won't be a public announcement until everything is 100% ready so expect a public announcement sometime in April.

I've been dreaming of my own office and studio space, no matter how small, for years and years. And what's great about this place is that they're letting us do ANYTHING we want with these walls so we'll be painting and building all sorts of stuff to make this a really cool and creative spot.

But what does this mean for the channel? How does getting an office and a studio change things?

Two things that are definitely coming: more original content and patreon exclusive original content. We're building ACTUAL set drops here to make it possible to film different shows and original content ideas I've had for YEARS and just limited by not having my own space will be coming to life here.

This will also serve as a production space for my new team that I've hired and whom I'll introduce once the set is in place. They'll have their own little desk spaces and editing bays.

And then there's a whole bunch of different things but I don't want to spoil all the fun so here are some brief bullet points.

  • More deep dives with idols and artists
  • Deep dives with music producers, songwriters, etc.
  • Potential deep dives with music video creators
  • Kulture Study 2 (????? side eye naughty emoji)
  • Office life vlogs
  • Faster turn around on short films
  • and much much more

If you guys have been following my channel for a long time you know that I've been wanting to expand and do new things since forever and now is that time and I've gotten a studio and an office to commit to that and to you guys that I'm very serious about my new future in LA and that I won't be taking Patreon and your support lightly anymore.

Now the budget is tight, currently I can just barely afford the place as it's going to be an extra $1200 a month. Again, I can afford it and I've changed my life to be more budget friendly but this is still maximizing most of my budget. Since I originally teased it, people have asked what they can do to help and here's a couple ways!

PATREON: I've updated the Patreon monthly goal to include the new office rent. This is NOT including costs for the studio like the new set costs, paying labor, etc. I'll be paying that out of pocket with my own salary. That puts us at 85% to our goal so if you want to up your Patronage to help out more per month? Great. I'm saying this up front, if you up your patronage, you won't be seeing the result of things like new content and new shows until late April or May. Only up your pledge if you're just looking to help!

NEW PATREON TIERS: We've also updated the Autumn tier with a new office related perk and also we've added a new tier! Autumn tiers will get their names written on the walls of our office somewhere (will be erased if patronage ends) and Winter tiers will get their names on the walls PERMANENTLY. Then we've added a Sponsor tier! Sponsors will get their own plaques on display in our offices along with link promotions in our videos. Don't feel pressured to get the Sponsor tier, that's mainly for businesses or wealthy. charitable folks.

PAYPAL: We take Paypal donations as well. Sending it as friends and families is the best option to avoid fees. This is a one time donation to help out versus Patreon of course. Any amount is appreciated! In fact I have to pay the full amount of moving in (first, last month rent, and full deposit) when our rent cycle starts in the beginning of February so that's $3,100 already! I can afford to pay it but with my regular bills, and then having to pay to renovate the set out of pocket... Well, it's gonna be a lot. So any donations are appreciated!

So that's about it. If you want to help us with getting set up in our new offices, great! But please remember this is NOT required. I made sure I can technically afford to do all this before we jumped in but of course the purpose of business is to always grow right?

I'll be posting updates about the development of the office as we go along but for now, I hope you're as excited as I am. Thank you all for making this silly fun dream of mine possible. Let's run towards our dreams like crazy.

YEAR 5 of FORM OF THERAPY is now in the works.



This is awesome! Congratulations!

Jade Escobar

Wow, CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so happy for you xx


Damn, congrats!


Yoooooo congrats PD! Super excited for everything to come!

aicrylic (aimee)

Congratulations, PD!! So happy for you! Can't wait to see the new stuff

Imane Hi

Congrats PD, new and better energy coming your way❤

John Lewis



Wow! Congratulations PD!




Congrats, PD! Can't wait to see the new sets and new content when everything is ready!


Congrats PD!!

Dylan Hall

What a great start to the new decade, congrats PD

Lauryn L



That's so exciting omg!!! Excited for you!


i’m so happy for you PD! i can’t wait to see what you do with the studio space! 🤩💕


Added $5 onto my monthly pledge just for you. Congrats PD. Cheers to new beginnings.


Will there be a delay on content while this is getting set up?


Should have reiterated this. Absolutely not. I'm not moving until the ENTIRE set is built and ready and then we're only taking one day to move.




This is awesome! I'm so proud of you, PD, and I hope all your dreams come true!


🎥Congrats PD🎬 there is no feeling better than watching dreams become real. Enjoy! Can’t wait to watch the next chapter unfold.


That's awesome PD I can feel your excitement radiating through the post and I know that this will be nothing but good things going forward. You've worked hard through the ups and downs so even though there is a lot of work ahead I hope you enjoy it!

alex b

Oh my god, I’m so happy for you!! Congratulations PD!!


PD that's incredible! Congratulations!!


How exciting! This is why I am happy to support in my small way. I love seeing that you are truly reaching out and grabbing your dreams. Will try to help when I can.


Hey PD, Congrats! I'll try my best to keep supporting you!

Syazraid Aidil

Omg... so proud of you PD! 💕


this is incredible news, so happy for you PD =D

Jan Grund

Congrats PD, I'm so happy for you and your team. I'm looking forward to all the things you will achieve.



Tonia Kelly

So happy that you've been able to fulfil a dream. Inspiring! Looking forward to all the new content!


This is so so so so cool! I'm so happy for you and proud of you, 2020 is gonna be your year!! All love!


Just bumped up to Summer tier to do what little I can to support. I'm excited for the awesomeness to come!!