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I thought it went without saying but please don't share any of our Patreon content to the public. Nothing happened in particular (at the moment) but I was reminded of some issues we had in the past. 

Any videos, content, or news I share with you guys is supposed to, well, be ONLY for you guys. Previously, we've had issues with some LOONA related leaks and I know people's intention is to only share with others but please consider the fairness to others.

The whole point of Patreon is that people pay for either early access to videos or exclusive viewings to videos. It would be extremely unfair if you share that content with others. I only bring this up because I was just reminded of a LOONA related video I wanted to make but was worried that it would leak early just because that's been an issue before. So please just be considerate not just towards LOONA Patreon content but ANY Patreon content!



Yeah, you'd think this would go without saying but this is why companies have legal say "Don't try this at home. Attempted with professional drivers on closed circuit." At the end of every car ad. People don't be knowing how to act unless you tell them.

Brandon Beemer

For me none of my friends care about Kpop. But I won't share anyway of course. 😐


A lot of the times, I don't think people do it maliciously, but people can be kind of thoughtless and share exclusive content, not realizing how Patreon is supposed to work.


Its like paying for a meal then somebody else eating it. I paid for this, you want it, then you pay 😅

Julian Gonzalez

I pay for it, I definitely dont want to share with others who don't lol. We got you tho✌


Yeah I don’t have any friends or family that are into K-pop. While most of them could care less what I like they don’t understand why it’s such a big part of my life. “It’s just music.” This community means a lot to me, so I hope we can all respect it.


i have no one to share it to lol #foreveralone


I can’t wait for the loona thing


Another LOONA vid? Dope. Looking forward to it. Sorry the other one got leaked early. I was surprised to see the photo pop up in my feed.

Oakley Chen

yeh i heard what you said how about Loona on stream, you will make a video of afterthought of meeting Loona and stop lying to your self PD look how many Loona video is on your pateron? Loona is your No1 girl group, you just waiting for a excuse to admit it on 05/02/2020 we will know