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Maybe I'm emotional.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WccVY6LDgXLIn-QOmc2zHYSIhBPjPbSM/view?usp=sharing


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Ohhh yeess!


PD he did get cursed when he touched the boy. However Man Wol burned the picture that formed the curse. Also with the Captain we shall see what happens with him 😏😏

Amethyst FloverOrbit

First, as mentioned in another comment, he did take on the curse himself, but second, just as the older lady burnt her diary and letters to remove the haunting, so did Man Wol did with Mi Ra's family photo, which is the item she used to invoke the curse. They destroyed the curse. Next, I dunno about your assessment of the captain being the same as mine. First, the last line he says to Man Wol in the cell, "If you want to kill me, you at least have to be alive." That suggests he's welcoming an attempt on his life. Guilt, maybe? And second, he also brought a sword with him into the room, so I somehow don't think he was there to have sex. Unless he's kinky in a very specific sort of way, which would be out of character for Del Luna's writing, lol. I think he expects her to be there somehow (perhaps he saw the dead guards that Man Wol killed all the way leading to the room).

L. O.C.

where is the finale episodes??? i hope PD hasn't forgotten to finish the show ;_;