11/5 Update (Patreon)
Hey guys, feels like I’m finally sitting down for the first time in a while to just breathe. I’m certainly not chilling or relaxing, I’ve got way too much on my mind for that, but there is something about being outside of the country that does kind of free my mind a bit.
It’s currently 7:20AM and I’m sipping on a coffee and listening to some slow ASTRO songs. In Korea. Surprise!
I may have mentioned it a few times in passing but I’ve been planning a trip to Korea since the spring. I got here the day before yesterday and I’m here with Rosan (xCeleste) and Bris. Dezzy was supposed to come as well but he had to pull out.
So my first day was a bust. It was going to be a day without any obligations so the idea was to chill and enjoy Seoul life. Unfortunately I woke up yesterday in MASSIVE pain. Caught the travel flu. And I know exactly when I got it too. There was some fucker in the airport who kept COUGHING out loud without covering his mouth. I remember thinking “motherfucker close your mouth if you get me sick...” and here I am. I was in bed pretty much ALL day yesterday so I feel a whole lot better. I have potential obligations today so I’m gonna have to head out.
I can’t talk about anything I’m doing in Korea, mainly because I don’t want to jinx it and some of these things may not happen. But it’s either going to be an exciting work trip or a mini-vacation for me.
But what have I been up to?
I know September and October were a severe lack of content on both the channel and Patreon and I’ve been scarce to share details so here’s a long list of what’s been going on and when we’re returning to form.
-My lease broke end of September. It’s a long story but I had messed up my lease renewal and so on a yolo whim with only a two week notice I moved from Las Vegas to Los Angeles. And I mean ACTUAL LA. Nothing fancy but I’ve become a resident of K-Town! I moved for a variety of reasons, one of which being the films I’m trying to produce. I’m networking, and trying to build a team and LA is the best place to do it.
-I’ve been in LA for two weeks and EVERY single day and night I’ve gone out but it isn’t for naught. Just to give you guys how crazy this networking process is, in this time I’ve met Hyolyn, a video producer for American celebrities, SuperM’s stylist and more. Socially it’s not really my scene but if it means potential help in future endeavors, I’ve put up with it.
-In the last week before I came here to Korea I shot my next short film production ALWAYS READY TO LEAVE. It’s an Asian American LGBTQ+ production about a girl who ran away from her small town in search of something more, only to return many years later, lost more than ever before.
-So in terms of content: when is it resuming? First off, I promise I’m going to fucking stop going out for the rest of November once I return to LA. Not just to stay home and create content but HOLY SHIT I NEED A BREAK. I’ve been running on no sleep, constantly moving and running for a whole month now and I’m at my wit’s end.
-This week in particular I’m going to being watching Queendom and finish off episodes of Kill It and Hotel Del Luna once I can figure out a recording setup. Going to have DKDKTV help me out with that but I’m hoping to have it done by the weekend but if not I’ll just have to wait until I return from Korea (the 16th).
-However, during my time in Korea I will be filming reactions to new releases and catching up on things. It won’t be the same quality as my usual stuff in terms of aesthetic but I figure it’ll be better than nothing.
-New editor: I’m going to be hiring a new editor. If you guys didn’t know I fired my editor/sister a month ago and it’s made me realize that my schedule is to the point now where I just can’t edit reactions on a regular basis. I have some people in mind for the position so once I return to LA, that might be solidified soon and y’all won’t have to worry about delays in video uploads.
-Patreon Perks: I’m probably going to be removing the photocard perk from the AUTUMN tier. Frankly, it’s hard to keep track of because people end their tier before I ship it out and ALSO the polaroids are super expensive so I usually wind up breaking even and postage is killer too. I will of course honor the past 3 months of polaroids I’ve missed, so I’ll send those out when I get back but November will be the last month for Autumn polaroids. I’ll try to come up with a new perk that will be just as good as an incentive to keep you guys satisfied in Autumn but if not, I understand if you want to downgrade! From now polaroids will be for the Winter tier only and ofc Winter tier I’ll be sending out a package to bundle the past few months as well.
-Anyway, that’s a hefty update. Thanks guys for tuning in! I know it’s been a trying time but for those who have, thanks for sticking with me. It’s a huge time of transition but it’s almost over!