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So here’s the thing. A flight is like $1200 for a normal 12hr flight. But I can’t really afford it cus I’m like 600-700 short. But a cheap flight for $650 is like 30-34hrs BOTH ways.

What should I do 😰


Alice (GunsBullets)

Looks like you’ll be looking for some good books to read 👀


Do it, this is an incredible chance mate


Honestly... id save my money... sksksksks


Cuz then you gotta think about how much you are spending when you land, transport, food, lodging etc.... but if you still really want to go i say flip a coin

Jacob Peter Bankel

That's $550 saved for 18-22hrs longer flight, or $25-30 per hour, does that seem worth it to you? And can you do stuff in those hours?


I've been notified 3 times about this, watching what GROUPYs been saying and how you're popping these posts. It seems like the only thing standing in your way is the money. Since you have until Thurs to RSVP, I would sleep on it for a day (prices don't shift that dramatically), and cost benefit it out. Like others said, once in a lifetime opportunity probably, and if necessities can be handled, DOOO IT!

Imane Hi

Do it, and make it an andventure/ mini vacation. I love travelling and even if u have to sit hours at airports there is always stuff to see, stuff to work on etc. Take take ur laptop with u and maybe a portable camera and do ur thing. Its worth the experience imho


Don't just get a normal neck pillow. At least get a messaging one.


Massaging... whatever. Lol hey I'm sure they have neck pillows that give messages too. Anyway. I couldn't handle that kind of flight cuz it would kill my tailbone. However im 39 and I was literally having a pity party today about things I wish I had done and could still do. Dude, grab life and live it.

mel Q

Pd listen, i know it must be a hard choice and that you wanna go but you can’t go to a country short of money, you should go only if you have enough to cover all expenses and be comfy there, always have a plan b yeah? just in case, take care!

Jacob Peter Bankel

I was thinking PD, is it at all possible to get it sponsored? Don't know how long those deals take, or how likely it is, but it's an idea.


I wouldn't go honestly fam

Briana Secreto

I know you want to save up for a new computer. But in all honesty, how many times in your life would this chance come again, you know?

Lauren Freeman

30 hours is too long and there are way too many things that can go wrong and you would miss the opportunity and have blown all that money. If you cant afford a more reasonable ticket then it might not be best to do it unless you can turn this into a work push trip and maybe write off some expenses? Can you work with Danny and David and make some content while you are there? If you do decide to make this happen make the ABSOLUTE MOST of it.


Was this new computer the one you need to edit the upcoming short films you want to make? If you truly want to go(and like everyone said, it's a rare opportunity), then go. It's going to take awhile to film all of your planned projects anyway, right? You can put off any editing until you have enough money again.

Angelica Yap

I’d say go budget but you really gotta give yourself room for possible airline delay fiascos if ya do! so make sure you’re arriving a day or couple days before


I'm currently living in Korea, if you have any questions or need help with anything feel free to DM me.


I'd say go. Once in a lifetime opportunity. The computer can wait and you can always save up money again.


The computer can wait, unless your current one is falling apart. If you can pay your rent and all your bills and still go I say go for it, yolo.


Well, I dropped $800+ to go to the Big 5 concert, which had a twenty-three-hour layover, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Ariel & Jenni

do it. bring work, whether it’s external or internal work for yourself, something you’ve been putting on the back burner. when you aren’t sleeping during those 30-34 hours, put you intentions on that work. then you’ll be doing something for the culture and for yourself. Do it.


I don’t wanna complain with my post or anything but hear me out - You already spent 250$ on that MAKESTAR campaign which included the secret Fanmeeting as noted in the reward section - So you already knew additional cost would come up if you would go - you also knew you had a new PC you wanted to save money for - Don’t you think it was a little rushed to spend 250$ + additional fees for the meeting if you have another thing you wanted to save up money for ? I don’t mean to judge but hear me out on this one: IMO you should do what you want but in the future I would take more care of my financial situation so this can’t happen again where you have to decide between 2 things you wanna spend money on and don’t make rushed purchases . On the other hand if you don’t go it seems like you would get a personalized video message by one member that YOU choose (your bias) is that an option for you to compensate you for the hassle you would have to go through otherwise ? Just my 2 cents - And whatever you do I hope you make the most out of it :)

Joseph Peles

Damn this is a tough one... 34 hours is a damn long time, so I wouldn't go unless you feel like you can be somewhat productive during that time span. In total, that is 68 hours, which is almost three whole days spent on getting to Korea. Honestly, if you are going to go, do the 12 hour flight, but I would recommend sitting this one out and going for the personal video message instead. If you can get a sponsor though, that is a deal breaker.

Teresa Organisciak

Say yolo and make sure to download some audiobooks and podcasts. But also....dude make better financial decisions


I had a similar issue. The cheaper flight meant I ended up spending a day in Hong Kong. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made