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SKZFLIX Reaction



skz has this loosely connected storyline from their previous mvs/track videos (on track, b me, mixtape OH, the view and leave) but all of it is just as, if not more ambiguous than this short film. imo what happened behind the scenes with skzflix was that it was announced on 1st jan 2022 (as part of STEP OUT, a video released on 1st jan every year outlining skz's activities) and that plan fell through and was postponed to 2023 (they posted teaser images for skzflix on the last day of dec 2022), and this is what the directors came up with having looked at the previous videos ngl i don't think even skz has any idea what's going on either


"I have to go back now."Another wish granted. There are echoes of each of the tracks mentioned here.

Sandy Cai

There has been a bunch of theories out there, but I guess the most visible one was a possible parallel universe going on across this skzflix film and previous MVs such as Mixtape On Track, B Me, Mixtape OH and The View. Similar things have happened like in On Track, they were also doing a film project, and there was a scene that Leeknow and Hyunjin bought a drink for the same girl they like, and I.N took Hyunjin's drink. This happened here but Hyunjin was the one who took the drink instead. In the end of On track, Hyunjin got jealous of Leeknow while filming them and had caused conflict amongs the group. In B Me, still in uniforms, they were showing how the group is separated and sad/angry about not being able to do the film(i guess) and there was an accident happened to Leeknow. In Mixtape OH, Leeknow has a cast on his hand, and the members are sad and wanting to be together again. Felix was also wishing on a cake in that MV. The View MV shows towards the end where Felix is holding a cake together with all the members already and happy.

Isi Dnsl

Btw they have won a prize for skzflix at a short film festival in japan a few months ago


Thanks for the reaction! So far I haven’t seen any confirmed explanations but it seems like the popular theory is that this is a continuation of the story in the MVs Mixtape: On Track, B Me Unveil clip, Mixtape: OH, and The View in that order. The Unveil clip for Leave seems like it follows up on the story in SKZFLIX. It seems like the plot of the short film they’re making is a hint towards the plot of SKZFLIX itself. They mention how the short film is about someone who travels to a parallel world to see their friends but they have to eventually return. My guess is that Felix traveled from the Mixtape: On Track parallel world to see his friends who are now split up as shown in Mixtape: OH. In that MV and also The View, I think you can see Felix making a wish by blowing out the candle on a cake. Some people theorize that he uses the candle to wish himself to another world, and the blowing of the candle in SKZFLIX represents him traveling into the SKZFLIX world and then returning to On Track world at the end, which is the point where he disappears. That’s why in the bus he says “I have to go back now.” The Felix at the end seems to be a different Felix since he’s now injured and doesn’t seem to recognize Lee Know, so he might be the original Felix of the SKZFLIX world. The Unveil clip for Leave follows up on the idea that Felix is always left with only memories of being with his friends, but is unable to stay with them.


There are some context clues in SKZFLIX, but you have to know the lore from previous SKZ videos. Mixtape On Track MV: The introduction to this universe, where SKZ is in a film club. There is some tension between Hyunjin and Lee Know because of the girl. The soccer scene, where Lee Know scores a goal while Hyunjin is the goalkeeper, further implies a rivalry between them. It ends with Hyunjin making a move towards the girls in front of Lee Know. B Me Unveil: Their film club has broken up. Everyone is sad and angry, and most of the unveil consists of individual shots. However, Hyunjin and Lee Know are together, but they are clearly not friends anymore. They are looking away from each other, and when they do look at each other they seem very tense. One of the most important pieces of lore is Han burning a short film festival application, implying that they wanted to make a short film for it, but will not now that they are split up. This is very difficult to catch, and I think most only know it from when Has says it in the making of the Unveil. The one group scene is the members watching back on a video of them playing basketball, back when the club was still together. Mixtape Oh MV: The members are packing their club room down and fully splitting up. Hyunjin is not present with the other members at all, but in an art studio (most likely because it was right after his hiatus, but it also makes sense in universe). Towards the end of the MV, Lee Know is in the art studio and leaves a message there. In the very end, Hyunjin looks at the message and smiles. This MV is where Felix's story starts. He is sitting with a cake that has a single candle in it (like in SKZFLIX). Throughout the MV, and especially in Felix's scenes, the phrase "Dreams Come True to Those Who Truly Want Them" is present a lot (also in SKZFLIX). The implication is that Felix wishes for the club to get back together. The View MV: This is Felix's wish coming true. Hyunjin and Lee Know are standing happily together, and the members are clearly very happy. There are some scenes with the 3 previous videos, showing that this is a part of the same universe. In the end, the members are all standing in front of a sign that says "Dreams Come True to Those Who Truly Want Them", and Felix is holding the cake with a candle in it. He got his wish. SKZFLIX: On the board behind Hyunjin, after he and I.N talk about the short film competition, it says "Multi-Universe Short Film Festival". This implies that this is a separate universe, where the film club is created in a different way. I also think the basketball scene has some significance since that is what they played together in B Me. Leave Unveil: The title also says "SKZFLIX Sequel". The only scene that really is added is the 8 members running happily together disappear, revealing Felix alone. Then the 7 members run 'through' Felix. This shows that he is not really a part of this universe. In SKZFLIX, Felix is what brings Lee Know to Han and Seungmin, who then audition to become part of Bangchan, Changbin, Hyunjin, and I.N's film club. It is also Felix who encourages Lee Know to agree to become a part of the project. I think this is what we know of the lore in these videos, but it is complicated and the story is often told in the details. People also have to watch and remember all these videos to fully understand the story, which only makes it more complicated.