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Well it's been almost 24 hours since it was publicly announced that Ill be going to the moon as a crew member of dearMoon, so I figured I should first say a MASSIVE thank you!!! 

The channel has been able to be all that it is today because of your support. All the live-streaming equipment, the flights to go see hardware in person, the dedication to spending as much time researching a topic as necessary because I don't have the financial pressure to release a sub-optimal video every week... it's all because of you guys. This channel has been a representation of what it's like to be professionally curious. I love that I'm just able to go down the deepest of rabbit holes and pop out on the other side ripe with info I'm so excited to share with the world.  

That being said, the second thing on our docket, we should probably do a Patreon stream huh? Didn't get to fit one in in November because of the crazy launch schedule and holidays. So I wanted to make a poll of when works best for everyone!

Let me know when's best for you. Thanks you all from the bottom of my heart!!! Love you all!



Super stoked for you Tim, couldnt think of a better person to represent this crazy community. Game stream?


Super awesome news! So happy for you! Who better than you can bring this experience down to earth for us to live it as closely of the real thing as possible.


Congrats Tim. I do not think they could have picked a better man to represent Space Twitter and relay the experience with both excitement and hard core facts.


Tears of happiness hearing this - this goes right back to Elon's original mission of trying to get people interested in space again - you'll be there, right at the pointy end of it all! Speaking of which mission control better be calling you for an on the pad PEUFED check at some point during the countdown. Go Tim!


Dodd, SpaceX, mission control is GO for your Pointy end up flamey end down check, on your mark, over.


As I probably won't be able to join the stream, I just want you to know that it is totally fine if you are less present on youtube while preparing for the flight. I guess everyone will understand that.


Wait a dad gum minnit, what about all those times you said "I don't want to go to the Moon."? How do you like your crow cooked? Love you bunches, just gotta hold you to your word and sure, none of saw this coming and I think this is the greatest thing ...EVER. puram, et ferent ad sidera


Just wanted to say, congrats! (On all the other platforms this would be lost in the noise.) Happy to be a small part of making this possible. (You are my only still active Patreon'ed beneficiary.)


As the saying goes, dress for what you want to be. It has come to fruition. Ad Astra!


Your announcement almost brought a tear to my eye. I remember some of your earliest videos (orange flight suit and all). I love your approach to making space accessible to everyday people and I think you've done a fantastic job growing into that mission. I'm excited for your next big step!