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Here's the dialogue cut for "Why Starship won't have an abort system. Sholud it?" As always it's missing B-roll yada yada and it's real boring, but let me know if you catch any straight up flubs! B-roll and stuff being added tomorrow!


Starship abort dialogue cut



Abort Systems Video


Abort Systems Video: Overall very good. I could detect no errors of fact. The first and last parts were great. The middle part with the histories and all the 99.9....Yawn seemed ott. If there was some way to truncate this, while still conveying the message, this would improve the whole thing.


The music at around 45:33 is pretty loud and makes it hard to hear what you are saying


Here I thought you already had the video done. I'm trying to optimize my output too, but yeah, that would be an example. Even so, written is good too.

Andrew Maltby

At 7:45 or so talking about FOS, your punctuation sounds like ‘if something needs to hold 10kN under test, it should hold 15kN. If possible I suggest you re-record that bit moving the pause and maybe adding some words ‘if something needs to hold 10kN during use, it should hold 15kN under test’. It’s good so far, I’ve had to stop here, hope to get back to it.


3:01 fickle beast sounds like fickle feast


14.21 why do you say carbon carbon?


I see you say carbon carbon several times. You may want to say what carbon carbon is


Intro text: sholud should be spelt should.


Just before the 9:00 minute mark; you state that one shuttle failed on ascent and the other failed on descent. Both failures occurred on ascent however the second vehicle wasn’t lost until descent. I.e: if the entire wing fell off on ascent, would you consider that failure on ascent? That’s essentially what happened here; enough wing fell off to doom the vehicle.


I can coach you on the proper pronunciation of Vostok (3:49) if you wish. The 'o' is short: V-awe-stock.


Also, the current launch abort systems are using the most nasty chemicals known to man. So safeing the system afterwards is not very safe either. Getting rid of that stuff would improve safety.


Right near the beginning you say the Shuttle had no launch abort system at all. People will be screaming at the screen that the first flights had ejection seats. Might distract them a bit for the next couple of minutes.


Hope this isn't too late. Couldn't get to the rest of it. // 800 Merlins flown. Sounds like they've built 800 Merlins, could use rephrasing. // Do you want to mention the weight penalty of LAS? Orion’s weighs 7 tonnes! // As I said, when you say at the beginning the Shuttle had no abort system *at all*, some people will flip out. You fully explain later, but a half sentence here would help, kinda “Well, except for...get to later.”


Tim, do you want to mention the ejection seats for Enterprise (non-orbital test vehicle) or the first few space shuttle Columbia flights?


I failed to note in my earlier comment that the question I raised was following your remark of "no launch abort system" for the shuttle (at 38 secs.). You do mention the seats later in your comments. Clarify this perhaps?


I’m a little late but, as someone pointed out on YouTube, Starship has no COPV as it will have autogenous pressurization instead which removes Falcon’s main failure mode.


It might be worth pointing that out in the article where you discuss the tank failure modes of the Falcon


Not really correct. The cause happened on acsent meanwhile the whole accudent happened on descent