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HEY EVERYONE!!! So I'll have a night for a little meet up in Austria on Thursday the 24th downtown Vienna. Location TBD, but plan on 16:30 for the time. Does anyone know of any nice, quiet pubs or bars where we could maybe fit 5-10 people? I'll let you all know for sure where / when as soon as I know! Be sure and stay tuned to twitter.com/erdayastronaut as well as I tend to post there too. Depending on who responds here, I might do an exclusive Patreon dinner and then public meet up nearby after. 



Unfortunately im out of country on this very week when you are coming to vienna 😭😭 If you are looking for bars to have some drinks, at „schwedenplatz“ there are lots of them. Also plenty of restaurants there. If you want it a little quieter with good food i can recommend „das campus“ right at the university for business and economics. You should order a table there to be safe. https://www.dascampus.at Contact me anytime if you need some more infos about vienna


I can’t think of any particular recommendations at the moment (though if you’re staying a few days, Rusty Schweickart will be at the opening of a Moon exhibit at the Natural History Museum on the 29th) but I’d love to join!


Had a great time at 1516 brewing last time i was there


Unfortunately I don’t have any tips since I am not from Vienna, but I live 150 km north in Brno so if I’ll be able to find good connection, I will be there! 🙂. Edit: train tickets are booked, see you there Tim and all of you!


Sorry I also cant think of any location because there are so many but I am very excited to meet you on thursday. But maybe I find a location and let you know.


So I am not in Vienna on Thursday but I am in Vienna on Friday. So is there a way I could meet you on Friday or are you interested in visiting some museums in Vienna and you would like to have a guide? Would be grate if I could meet you.


I'd recommend "Pickwick's" at the "Schwedenplatz". It's a nice little Café at day and transfers into a pub later in the day. It has a really cool interior with lots of book shelfs. - https://www.google.at/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNRTVWk0VUrbq1uCYJjzHCC75PTS4w%3A1571727971045&source=hp&ei=Y6quXfhTx-uuBM7PlLAJ&q=pickwicks&oq=&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-hp.1.0.35i362i39l8.0.0..8068...1.0..0.0.0.......0...........8.d63Bz9HrIIk#trex=m_t:lcl_akp,rc_f:nav,rc_ludocids:2341412289068034549,rc_q:Pickwick's,ru_q:Pickwick's


Will try to be there, coming from Budapest. Will confirm later


will definitely join the meet-up i think for location, i would just meet up in vienna and go to the first bar we find, as i think in vienna most bars are great


I live near the city center and will come for sure! I'm looking forward to it!


Schwedenplatz is very loud and crowded normally "das campus" looks nice I know the pizzeria "l'osteria" near it which is also great. And if weather is not too bad it is a nice walk from railway and underground station Praterstern there with the Riesenrad and Prater park along the way...


Just confirming my attendance. See you all there!


I wish all of you lots of fun on Thursday. Friday to Sunday would have 🐝 n doable for me.


I will be there too😁


I will also be there🚀


SMART-Café is nice: Köstlergasse 9, 1060 Wien https://www.facebook.com/SMartCafeWien/ ;D


Thinking about driving from Linz to Vienna. Are there any news about the date and location?


Not yet as far as I know Thursday is fixed but no location and time yet


Sadly it's a little bit too far for me. But I have a proposition for Tim if time scheduling will allow.


Maybe You could visit Tesla battery in Slovenia Jesenice (supposedly biggest in EU so far)


It would be really good to have some time and location soon as some seem to come from other cities and even countries and I need to plan tomorrow too :)


I will also be there. If there is not enough place for all i will stand :)


It was a great event and I feel very pleased that you as a person are as sympathetic in real life as you are in your videos - great background stories and much fun - simply love you Tim! <3


Noooooooo I got it to late😓