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I'm so sorry that we're almost out of Starman Hoodies, the commanders got first dibs and boy oh boy did they fly off the shelves... but there are a few left in a few sizes. ALSO, the BLACK AND GOLD Aerospike shirt is the limited edition. The other link is just early access to the regular Aerospike shirt. Signed prints ARE limited edition though.

Limited edition signed Milky Way Horizontal - https://shop.everydayastronaut.com/products/limited-signed-starhopper-milky-way-horizontal

Limited edition signed Starhopper and some birds - 


Starman Hoodie - 


Aerospike Tee - 


Aerospike limited edition - 




Hi tim, AWSOME, the starman hoodie is out but I am 14 and can't realy afford that, is there anything possible?


XL gone...😢


Snagged a 3XL Starman hoodie, awesome! Didn't mind the price because it supports Tim's work.


Are you able to do pre-orders on the next batch of hoodies?


Please, PLEASE tell me there will be another batch...


With as much anticipation I had for this, seeing they were already sold (and for patrons!) really just ruined my day.. :(


Now that all the "leg work" is done wouldn't it be a lot easier just to make another batch of them? Was really looking forward to purchasing one and supporting you!


Buying this stuff is putting me in the poor house! Stop! (Don’t stop) :)


There will be no more Starman hoodies. 48 of these hoodies were made. If anything maybe we'll make a dumbed-down version with screen printed pieces or something.


There will be no more Starman hoodies. 48 of these hoodies were made. If anything maybe we'll make a dumbed-down version with screen printed pieces or something.


There will be no more Starman hoodies. 48 of these hoodies were made. If anything maybe we'll make a dumbed-down version with screen printed pieces or something. They're COMPLICATED They're NOT a simple pattern... like AT ALLLLLLL


Congrats on getting one they will be a collector's item. only 48 in total ever made for sale.


All Starman Hoodies are SOLD. NO more left. Congrats to those people that were able to get one.


Can you number them when you ship them, so we can see what we got and prove that is is an official hoodie?


Also the name change may have helped a little, but you could still search for hoodie


Are the grid fins going to come back into stock tomorrow?


Sorry, I don't have any information about the Grid fin, not a coaster (or as I call them, the more spacy, Grid fin thermal desk protectors) inventory levels. When I get an update Ill let you know.


GRID FIN NOT A COASTER BACK IN STOCK!!!!! https://shop.everydayastronaut.com/collections/accessories/products/coaster-set


I have many questions about Starship and having tried twitter with no response so I'd like have the Elon Whisperer ask for me. 1st - When would they use the body flaps to "roll"? Pitch and Yaw you can control speed down range and cross range, but Roll you'd expose un-tiled surfaces to reentry heat. The steel might hold up but it would be conducting heat into an easy bake oven. Yikes!


From what I understand is as long as it does not roll onto its back during reentry then roll will not be an issue as it is on the Lee side of the plasma blast.


I was surprise to see Starship's header tanks mounted forward to help "balance" the craft. Are they so far forward that they're in the payload area? Is so, how do they plan to plan to balance an operational ship for reentry and landing once it delivers it's payload?


I have another SpaceX question. I sat in a AIAA meeting in Las Cruses back in the late 80s discussing debris field risk analysis for spacecraft launching from Spaceport America in NM and "breaking up" over populated areas. The analysis method would apply to any space launch system based on same criteria which assumed aluminum monocoque and/or composite structure. Has that analysis been redone based on a SS Starship that would come down, mostly, in one red hot hulking chunk and presumably prohibited from flight over populated areas?


Hope Starman Hoodies come back soon


Hi, looking at the shop I notice there are no shirts (not T-shirts). I would love a shirt with a modest print that I could wear any day, at work or wherever. The Apollo Blueprint All Over Shirt would be suitable, or just a shirt with a small EA logo. At my age (40+) I don't mind to show a bit of geekyness, but it doesn't need to scream off my cloths :) Any chance?


Whats worse than having a business and not understanding SUPPLY and DEMAND? A: Having a business with voluntary visitors who are unable to purchase anything in their size.... poor biz mgmnt. Hello.


Tim has said in every video that features the EDA shop that he does special orders of all his stock (instead of ordering single t-shirts for every customer) so that they are cheaper, better quality and have extra features like the EDA tags. This means that there are a limited number of each size in each run, as he says in every shop promo. You can however, pre-order shirts in the shop sometimes, or as a Patreon member, you get advanced notice of stock arriving and I'm sure if you asked Tim he would set 1 aside for you, although considering you've criticised his business skills in a relatively rude manner, you might have to open your message with an apology lol


XL Starman Hoodie please -pre order... how? EA design is far too close to EA games logo. Anyone knowing of EA games would take it as such.


I'd love a Starman Hoodie too. I've seen in the past that when another run of popular items (like the full flow staged combustion t-shirts) is about to happen the shop shows 'pre-order' instead of 'sold out' so it's best to check back regularly. Also Tim mentions when a run is about to happen in his videos and when items are available to pre-order. Oh and also in here. I guess you can also ask Tim about future runs and register your interest in Discord or Twitter