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HEY MIDWEST! GUESS WHAT. I'm FINALLY doing it. Saturday, September 21st, plan on there being a meet up / hang out in Waterloo or Cedar Falls, Iowa! Exact location TBD, but it's time I take care of my local friends! There'll also be a special presentation by Maryliz Bender and Ryan Chylinksi of "Cosmic Perspective" who will do a cool space / science presentation too! So mark your calendars, plan on that, more details to come!!!! 



Any general time frame? Morning/afternoon/evening?


Noooooo! I'll be in Germany for work otherwise I'd be there. Enjoy everyone! #jealous


Tim, this is fantastic! I'm going to do my best to make it. I've used the Supercharger in Dows a time or two - that one looks to be the closest? Or even better, schedule your event at an establishment that has destination chargers. :)


Tim, Sep 21st is National Drive Electric Week events here in Wisconsin (Madison & Jackson). Do you really want to target a meet-up dates during NDEW Sep 14 - 22 as you are Tesla Model 3P owner? NDEW events can be seen at https://driveelectricweek.org


Do you have enough information about your supporter’s locations in the midwest to calculate a center of population so that the total travel distance is minimized? I’m a Tesla Owner wannabe but I still drive an ICE vehicle and I suspect many other supporters do also. FWIW I’m in Fairfield Iowa about 147 miles south of Cedar Falls.


Tim, you're probably still on your way back from OLF Live, but I'm hoping you can provide at least a little more detail so we can work out our travel plans if we're still on for 9/21. Thanks!


Unfortunately my friends who were putting on the event had to cancel, so we're working on rescheduling! Please let me know if you already made arrangements, I'd feel awful.


Hey Bill and Robin, unfortunately my friends who were putting on the event had to cancel, so we're working on rescheduling! Please let me know if you already made arrangements, I'd feel awful. Standby for the official announcement.


Nope, we were waiting to hear from you (it's a four hour drive for us, and we would have been going to the Vikings' game Sunday, so spending the night in your beautiful home town was our Plan A). Looking forward to making it when the scheduling lines up.