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GOOD NEWS PATRONS! You guys get first dibs at my RUDs (Rapid Unschedule Discounts) on my website! I'm trying to clear up old inventory to make room for some new stuff! Discounts are pretty significant AND you guys can still use " spacefriend " for another 10% off! Enjoy! Sale goes public Friday!


RUDs (Rapid Unscheduled Discounts)

Space rocket shirts merch merchandise stickers Everyday Astronaut SpaceX shirts shirt hoodies rocket science patches mission patch badge pins buttons pictures rocket launch photography



I love that name!


*checks if Grid Fins have finally been replenished* I don’t want to live on this planet anymore :( *angrily buys Future Martian t-shirt*


They're so close to being back in stock! We redid some stuff on them and found a new supplier. They should be back with in a week or two!


Damn, i just ordered couple days ago.. waiting for next rud because i am from differend continent 😂


Been wanting falcon family for a while and they go on sale but they're out of stock :'(


Man... no big guy shirts available in either the RUD sale or regularly available (that I’m interested in). Fat guys love space too!


Fat guy here. All of his shirts on sale go up to at least 3X. I got his helmet shirt in 2X


My stuff IS finally here 😍