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I’ll be near the convention center and down to meet up around 7:00 ish, let me know if you know if any where cool, not too busy and relatively quiet 👍



Can't make it, if it was a few days later I could have. We are driving through DC(probably going to stop to see the shuttle there) up from Florida starting tomorrow morning and any time after that dc is just four hours south.


Thanks for the invite - But the DC Center is a little out of my range. Now if it was the Anchorage Convention Center, I'd be there - setting up chairs, ordering the Pizza, and wheeling in my Chinese Teak Bar ... One of these days, though, one of these days.


I wish! No way I could make it down there in time


Could'nt attend but ''Capitol City Brewing Co.'' is a realy nice place. Every time I get to DC I make sure to go there.

Sean Devine

I wish I could I just couldn't go that late in the day, The drive home for me would be horrendous. I commute from West Virginia to DC everyday.


Can't think of someplace "quiet" in Chinatown. Crystal City in Arlington is, though.

Sean Devine

Fairfax area is nice too


I’m in DC (not a local) and will be by Regan Airport.


Plenty of cool places down there. The Hamilton has a two cool bars and great food. Not to loud. Lots of other spots. You can throw a rock a hit five bars.


im in bathesda


where yo wanna do it


I’m about to jump on the redline to head downtown. If you’re still gonna meet up just let us know.


I’m here chaperoning an 8th grade DC trip, so I don’t have a very flexible schedule unfortunately. Are you going to air and space museum while you’re here? I’ll be there tomorrow

Shelly Gold

Tim, I find it infuriating that you have the nerve to tell people how to feel. I am very political. I find it unbelievable that men would try to control women's bodies, as is currently happening. That's just a "for instance". Maybe in your white man bro world, politics doesn't affect you. Maybe if you don't want to discuss politics, you shouldn't highlight Trump tweets. So Rah, rah???


Wow I’m sorry I don’t actually know what you’re referring to? Have an example of “telling people how to feel?” Of course politics matter like crazy in my personal life, but that has nothing to do with Everyday Astronaut. And if you’re saying I can’t report one what the president of the United States says about NASA, that seems a little funny to me. My job is to talk about space. Please provide some feedback

Shelly Gold

You should watch Steven Colbert doing the same thing! I know, you're not him. Tim, I like you and have a lot of respect for your considerable self-education. I would give you (and others) more of a contribution, but now ( a few weeks short of 70) I find myself to be poor. I think you'll understand what I was talking about if you go back and look at a 2+ year old post in Answers with Joe that I just happened to run across. He evidently had believed that trump would be elected and then after that indeed happened, he talked about how much push back he got from viewers for holding back on his feelings. They explained that they followed him and wanted to know how he felt ... really felt. I guess my point was that I think it's going a step to far when you express deep displeasure at anyone rooting for Spacex over Blue Origin (note: Bezos has terrible conditions for Amazon workers). Similarly, it's not very neutral at all to show trump's tweets. Noting the news would have been good enough, unless you would have prefaced with mockery or condemnation for his being!!!! This is not a very neutral kind of thing. There really aren't good people on both sides.


I think you need to step back and examine your own comments before you accuse anyone of being partisan. And please keep your political opinions to yourself.

Shelly Gold

Why would anyone choose to keep their political opinions to themselves?


I will Preface this with the fact that I am not American. That said I think you are way out of line. I have been supporting Everyday Astronaut for years (I am one of the Original patreon supporters). NASA is a political creation and is subject to the government forces that control the budget. Everyday Astronaut has NEVER made any comment to do with policies outside space. Everyday Astronaut wants all space companies to succeed. More Space Companys = More Launches = More live streams = More mainstream launch coverage = more public awareness. A 2+year-old post that you're getting mad at now, and as for politics unless it's space-related it should stay out of these forums.

Shelly Gold

I am fundamentally incapable of leading such a siloed life. Here is a definition of siloed: kept in isolation in a way that hinders communication and cooperation : separated or isolated in a silo. Please reread my post. The 2 year old reference was not what I was commenting on. The two year old reference had to do with showing that many people ask for political truth from their YouTube hosts. Even from the "sciencey" ones.


Let me know when your in Dallas I would love too meet up and talk space technology. Rob


Not sure he will get to Dallas but I definitely know he will be spending a lot of time in Brownsville ;)