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Hey everyone! So.... I have an opportunity to lead an "astrotour" to Hawaii in October. It'd be a week long trip and we'd do star gazing and astrophotography and just hang out. I haven't officially signed up to host it yet, but would you have any interest in attending? I believe it'd a few thousand, I don't know the price yet, but I wanted to see if this is at all of interest to anyone!



I would love to, yet I can’t afford to travel 😞


Sounds fun, just depends on the price!


Wow, I would love to, but I can’t swing that kind of dough at this point.


I would LOVE to but not able to afford it at the moment. I would love to do that at some point though.


Would I fit in your luggage? I don't weigh much...


Very interested, but pricing would be a factor along with time off.


If I wasn’t in college and actually had time to leave for a week then definitely. I may know some others who would be interested though, I will talk to them.


It would be amazing! Love stargazing. Really want to get into astrophotography.


Would you have a link for more info such as location and other items? This sound like fun. So far count me in!


Sounds like fun! My wife is really into photography so she would probably consider it. Not sure we could get away for a week with our 2 kids though...:( Maybe when they get older...


I would be interested. Don't have any astrophotography experience and just and an older Canon EOS Digital camera, so not sure if that is a show stopper. Also any chance of a scuba dive during trip ;)


Sounds like a great time but too rich for my blood.


Just to verify: would it be open to attendees from anywhere in the world?


I would do it assuming I can save a few bucks for the trip, otherwise hell yeah!


I would be interested


I would definately be interested.


I've got some plans for August that will likely drain my savings account a bit, but I'm more than interested if this becomes a regular thing


Posolutely! It would be nice, if you could, get the dates ASAP so we can look for inexpensive tickets 🤓


Sounds interesting. Any more details?


Definitely sounds interesting to me! Would this be affiliated with Paul Sutter/astrotours.co? I've been considering going on one of those already.


Would love to, but my girlfriend and I are going to New York City and Boston this September


I'm interested! Would love more details when possible!

Reed Bowman

Not in the cards for us right now, but it sounds really cool. I assume the 'few thousand' would not include transport to Hawaii, which is not cheap. Would there be anything location specific, like a tour at Keck?

Shelly Gold

Wish I had the bucks!


Super interested :) Super unable to afford it though :( You should totally do it though; would be a blast!


Closer to $1k or $2k? $3k?


Super interested. Keep us informed!


I'm interested, I have a blackout period at the beginning on October, so maybe if it were at the end of October.


One week is too long, but if it's possible to stop by for a day or two, I'd definitely come.


Sounds like fun...all depends on cost.


I would love to get more details about this, I'm interested, depending if the price tag is a couple of thousands and not several thousands :)

Zachary Fluke

I'm seriously planning and saving up for choosing one of the astrotours to do. I'd be thrilled to go with you, man!

Zachary Fluke

Plus I've never been to Hawaii and it's been a personal goal of mine to visit and stargaze there before I turn 25 in a lil over 4 years. Would love the opportunity to meet and hang with you, Tim!

Zachary Fluke

It shouldn't end up being over 4 thousand all things considered. At least that's what the other astrotours have been lol. Maybe around like 3.5k 🤓

Zachary Fluke

Probably a little over 3k based on the cost of the other astrotours! :>

Zachary Fluke

Actually the transport should be included based on my research into the other astrotours that people like Fraser Cain, Dr. Paul Matt Sutter, and Dr. Pamela Gay host. We should just end up paying a down psyment, and then the full price which should include food, travel, a room to stay in, etc.


Sounds like a good idea ... perhaps a collaboration with some others.... however probably not for me in the near term. Please remember there are other global patreons so meeting up on site may be an idea for some.


Sorry, not my cup of tea. But if you ever plan a trip to Florida when there's a good chance of seeing a launch (especially SpaceX), I would love to join you!


That sounds amazing! If I can gather the funds for it I would definitely be up for it. Great idea!


Interested, keep me updated.


My first Patreon ever! You da man!


If I didn’t have a vacation freeze in October, I’d love to go. What fun!!


I´d love it but Patagonia is kind of too far away righo now! Sorry!


That sounds like an amazing opportunity. As someone who loves astronomy and astrophotography, I would love to go. However, as a college student by winter and intern by summer, I would likely have neither time nor financing. I think you should do it- the people who are able to go would really appreciate the experience.


Glad I'm not the only one in this situation. Really cool idea though.


Any news on this?


Would be awesome!