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Hello my beloved Patrons! Sorry for my absence lately. I feel I owe you all some exciting updates!

First. I will be giving away my first piece of Space Shuttle Discovery to one of you soon! There will be one a month after that with a total of 4 framed and signed pieces. Thanks for your patience on this, I literally haven't been home hardly at all the last 6 weeks because...

Drum Roll....

Most of this travel is producing pilot content with a development executive for a network TV series!!! Yeah! CRAZY right? He's done about 8 shows previously and has a lot of confidence he can sell "Everyday Astronaut" to a network. In the next three weeks I travel THREE MORE TIMES... so life isn't slowing down yet. 

Also. 2017 has been the year of "Throw it at the wall, see if it sticks." So if you've noticed a slowdown on Instagram, it's because I'm seeing very little growth/interaction on Instagram. This year I've found MASSIVE (and very exciting growth) through YouTube. If you're not aware, my YouTube channel is http://youtube.com/everydayastronaut

I fully understand if you have supported me because you liked my photography and aren't a fan of my videos. I won't take it personal, but I see a lot of growth and potential in YouTube and have had a lot of fun producing these videos (although they're A TON of work, ~ 40 hours per video).

So again, I just wanted to thank you all for your patience and support through out this time of transition. I genuinely couldn't do it with out you all. You literally put food in my stomach during this transitional period and help me have the courage to go out on a limb!

- Love you all -




Good job with Falcon heavy video. but one little big remark. Soyuz rocket have only fife engines. One in central core and four in boosters with multiple (4) chambers.


Oh man..... you’re right!!!! Crap! Where were you when I was scripting 😩


Don't worry. I think to start one engine with 4 chambers was as hard before if not more 50 years ago as 4 engines today (As I remember this feature was present on Vostock rocket already) an Vostock was and Soyuz is reliable.