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hey guys! I only could make one, I'm so sorry for making you wait ><

I realized something thanks to these recent months of character suggestions/ poll.
I like to explore stuff in art, do random scenarios and play with light, but I really struggle  whenever its not something I own from scratch and/ or deeply relate to.  
I came to the conclusion that I'm not wired for fanart in the way I had organized it here, I think it needs to come from within me.
I'll be thinking of a solution while I'm on my holidays ( a week long from now)

When I'm back on the7 september, I'll be sending august rewards to you and rearrange the patreon rewards so I have more creative freedom !

still hope you like this poor Yunyun,
thank you for your support up until now, I'll work something out !




Good luck bro. Looking forward to your future work, whatever you figure out