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hello guys!

So I decided to redo the danua artworks, the previous ones were well done but it lacked that little something to make it special, so I restarted them and found better ideas :)

I'm currently progressing on them,being slow due to the heat, but doing my best
I hope you're doing great and take care of yourself in these difficult times we're having

I'll be back soon with them, hope you'll like it ! =)




The bottom one and the one on the right are superb!


Thanks Scott I do have high expectations for them ! I'm debating on the style I'll use atm, want them to shine


I like the star rating system with this too xD! Super super awesome, you keep redoing them but make them spicier each time!


yeah it did take a bunch of attempts, I guess I need to get used to this new "increasingly lewder" theme ! I won't be restarting it again :p