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Turkey Girl is BACK!  This year her bladder is fuller than ever, and her costume is even MORE humiliating!!!  Hey, you can't blame management if a sexy turkey girl waddling around in desperation results in more sales! XD


To quote one of the greatest* horror movies of all time, Thankskilling, "Gobble Gobble, mother fuckers!"  Omovember is here once again, and dammit, I'm going to try my hardest to pull it off a second time!  Just like last year, I have a little backlog prepared (3 as opposed to 6 images this time), since my goal is to give you guys tons of new Omo art and not to personally challenge myself to finish something every day!  Wish me luck! X]

To start the month out, as with last year, I've got a more "finished" image --- full color and everything.  If you're unfamiliar with Omovember, the idea is pretty simple: produce an image for every day in November with each being based on a prompt from a list provided at the start of the month!

I came up with my own list again, and similarly, I'd hardly call them all "original" ideas.  Mostly, I just wanted a list of somewhat diverse prompts, and I wanted to mix them up so that they stay interesting!  I also tried to keep them relatively ambiguous so they could be tackled in different ways (which might be helpful if anyone is insane enough to try to follow along)!  XD

In Omorashi, there are generally two "camps".  In the first, you've got people who love seeing the humiliating accident and soaked panties.  In the second, you've got people who love seeing the desperate struggle a girl goes through to avoid appealing to camp one!  You can probably guess which one I fall into! X3  Anyway, because I'd like to appeal to both in some way, I've written my prompts so they can start with either of the following:

A:    “She is peeing herself because she / but she…”

B:    “She needs to pee really badly because she / but she…”

01 …Is in a costume. (A throwback to last year!)      

02 …Was dared to hold it in for a very long time.

03 …Is performing or giving a presentation.     

04 …Is stuck in (Thanksgiving?) traffic.

05 …Can’t get her pants off.

06 …Is in the middle of a motorcycle ride.

07 …Threw out the only bottle she could have peed in!

08 …Is afraid of the snake!

09 …Wants to for you. :3

10 …Is stuck on hold!

11 …Is climbing a mountain.

12 …Keeps having the door shut in her face.

13 …Is being punished!

14 …Can’t get to the bathroom while naked.

15 …Is riding a roller coaster.

16 …Is getting a bladder ultrasound.

17 …Doesn’t want to be found in a game of hide-and-seek.

18 …Is being bullied.

19…Is “stuck”! X3

20 ...Can’t get any privacy.

21 …Is being chased.

22 …Got caught.

23 *Thanksgiving*!

24 …Has to watch someone else pee to their heart’s content!

25 …Isn’t allowed to pee.

26 …Can’t find the ladies’ room.

27 …Is being brutally teased by her friends.

28 …Drank a strong and doubly-hydrating diuretic.

29 …Is in a pridacement-bondage-esque setup.

30 *Freebie!*

(And don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the need to have some fluffier entries!) ;]




Last year was amazing, and this year has great prompts. Best of luck on getting it all done, and I look forward to seeing everything you make