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At long last, it is finally done!  Man, poor Etchy has been waiting for me to slowly plod through this for a very long time and has expressed Buddha-levels of patience with me for the entire time!  This was the other commission I'd come close to finishing before getting Covid, and it has been literal years in the making... which ( as sad as that might sound) might be par-for-the-course considering how long it takes me to get pages out for my own comics...  Heh... :\

Taking place in her Legacy of Gold  universe, this comic features a couple of her wonderful characters going head-to-head in a brutal, bladder-busting pee-holding competition!  And it's facilitated by a couple of familiar faces --- plus a little cameo by Ricelord Sake's Seren!

I hope you guys enjoy this little eleven-page treat, and you should absolutely check out some of Etchy's other works --- in particular her game Audition!  And, it would be wrong of me not to add that Sake, who also helped with the dialogue in this one, often writes stories featuring this universe, and you should totally check those out too!  He also has a very active AO3 account as well as his own Patreon!

Thank you again to Etchy for the commission!  I know I've said it before, but I do mean it: as with every commission I do --- this was a ton of fun to work on!  And, of course, extra thank you for the unbelievable patience!~  :D




I should probably mention that my AO3 link is actually generally going to be better than the FA one (for stories, anyways, FA has art too), it's got the full selection of stories including loads that can't or shouldn't be uploaded to FA for one reason or another: https://archiveofourown.org/users/SakeBottle (Fuck if I know how to actually make it clickable in a comment though)


Ok, cool --- I wasn't sure which site you were "most" active on; I added that link to your AO3 account to the description! *And* I added the one to your Patreon, because I'm dumb and forgot to the first time! XD


They're both equally active, really, just one is a little more, y'know, fur-focused than the other. Anything new gets uploaded to both at basically the same time if it is going to both, only real difference being FA gets art and AO3 doesn't because of course it doesn't.


Woah this is super good!