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Alright!  So --- as is often the case with me, I originally planned for this to be a short comic project (like 2-3 pages at most) when I started, but the idea kind-of ballooned out-of-control.  So I settled for a potential "cover" image in the mean time!  After all; I've already got two other comics going, and Pit-Stop is sorely in need of its ending!

That said, I did like the idea as it developed, and would really like to work it out to completion at some point!  Basically, imagine what it'd be like for a poor dog girl to get stuck in her crate while her owner is gone all day at work...  then add in that she really needs to pee... then add in that her owner is only just closing her into her crate!  Poor puppy!  :3  Those first four thumbnails were part of that version of the concept.  

The next where my attempt at actually doing the "plot" for it.  Enter Tulip!  Since her "owner" ended up being a bit too harsh to believably be her owner, I swapped her with the dog owner's roommate, who was tasked with dog-sitting while her real owner is away!  Said roommate is particularly upset that, because her roommate's pet is a dog, she can't get a cat --- a sore spot exacerbated by the fact that the dog's actual owner isn't supposed to have a dog in their apartment!  

Let's just say, the roommate might not exactly have agreed to dog-sit --- hence why she doesn't bother to walk the full-bladdered furball before heading out to work! In fact, she is even conspiring against poor, desperate Tulip!  She leaves the tap running just enough for it to leak a torturous drip, and she expects a full bottle of water to be gone by the time she gets back for lunch!  All under the threat of telling the landlord about her if she pees in the crate!  :O

(Also, Tulip is dressed in the gaudiest pink dress imagineable because her owner is a bit of a ditz, probably explaining why she sort-of assumed her roommate would just take care of things while she was away!)

Anyway, I thought it sounded pretty fun!  What do you guys think?




Awesome. Wish this comic was finished