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Blegh --- that was a lot of figures for one page!  XD  I have a plan for this story, but I usually thumbnail these right before doing the page, and the number of figures per page can sometimes sneak up on me!



Morgan Black

She's into it? Well did not expect that! At least in the context of a guy doing it to her


Did Dakota leave the stall? Alexis certainly won't like that! IDK what you've got planned Eckman but my mind is racing with possibilities!


Is she entering ultra instinct horny?


She is now, it's a defense mechanism mentioned on the previous page.


^^ This, lol. In a nutshell, Dakota needs to PEE so badly that her brain is giving her an omo fetish just to help her struggle through! Only time will tell if it's enough, though!


Oh she hasn't left the stall yet; Dakota's hardly sitting still and moved over to the other side of the stall by the time Jasmine flushed the toilet! Mainly, I wanted to make those two panels show what Dakota is seeing as Jasmine takes care of the "need" she just described. It's a little weird because I had a bit more dialogue planned, but it was too wordy and clunky to fit on the page! Originally, the panel with the three girls was going to have a point about "over half of our bodies are made of water" which would be followed by the flushing panel with "it doesn't matter how we let *in* all that water..." then finally (when Jasmine's peeing) "at some point, we have to pee out every last drop!" It just ended up being too clunky. :P


It's more like an Ultra-Instinct desperate holding-ability that's harnessed by the POWER of the horny! X3 Regardless, though, whenever that pee does finally come out, the result will be orgasmic!