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Forgive me if I had to go a little fast with this one; I'm visiting with family!~

"Can't leave without forfeiting her final exam grade" --- Everyone knew that the final agronomics exam was going to be a monster, but no one could anticipate the four-hundred-question behemoth that landed on their desk at the start of the double-slotted exam period!  Yeah, you could leave at any time... provided you finished it early.  No one was going to pull that off --- least of all, Jasmine who needed to pass it in order to avoid retaking the class next spring and thus subsequently extending her time at Nitefield by another whole semester with whatever it displaced!  

The poor girl's grade must have been hovering in the low C's following the already pretty-rough midterm.  To be fair, this was one of those nasty morning classes that started well before anyone was properly awake enough to follow it.  And Jasmine's interests were not particularly in line with the farming industry --- this was one of the bifurcating paths in her botany (with focus on horticultural science) degree.  Hell, non-traditional set-ups involving greenhouses and vertical-farming didn't even appear in the course material until a couple weeks ago!

So, to put it bluntly, Jasmine was struggling.  Particularly with the history and legal aspects of the subject --- two parts that she was nearly certain he had dozed-through.  And she was in a full-on panic after what must have been twenty outright guesses in-a-row.  Mathematically, that couldn't have accounted for a whole lot --- 5% if she missed every single one... But couple that with her already questionable performance on everything else as well as memories of fickle question-weighting schemes in her other classes and her morale was hitting bedrock.

There was another problem.  Jasmine had made the (to be fair, reasonable) assumption that this test would --- at most --- have been half the length it actually ended up being.  And while it wasn't the wisest thing to do, she skipped making a precautionary pit-stop beforehand.  She just wanted this nightmare to be over, so she figured that she'd pop in and give it her best shake before skipping out and leaving the rest to prayer.

Sitting down for an exam like this with a slight need to pee would be uncomfortable, sure, but manageable.  She thought she'd been handed enough tests for her entire row when the weight of the sheaf of papers caused it to droop heavily over her hand... But while she tried to find and separate out "her" copy, her instructor simply went to the desk behind her and continued to hand them out individually.

BIG uh-oh.  The fat #423 on the last page caused the all blood to drain from her head --- and apparently filter directly through her kidneys!  Because by #53, she needed to pee.  By #86 she really needed to pee.  By #110... she was starting to feel nauseous she needed to pee so fucking badly.  By #122, Jasmine had to pause between answers to grab herself between questions.

There was no leaving mid-final.  If she left, what she had was what she had...  And after that many guesses, there was no way she could pull through.  Worse still, she was slowing down and running behind... She needed to ignore her unbelievably dire need to urinate or she wouldn't finish in time.

And she really was trying to do this.  But her own biology was making this impossible...  Her bladder was a solid, and heavy glass orb of hot, merciless pee, and her body wanted it out more than it wanted to breathe.

All she could think of was the answer she knew she'd be given if she even bother to ask: "That's too bad.  But you're a fully-grown woman, and this is college.  You really should've peed before the test."




Sweet mother of God....! SHE'S ABOUT TO BLOW!!!