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"Is in trouble and can't leave" --- And oh puppy, is this girl in trouble... Remember when our poor advertising executive "popped" during her pitch and ended up jetting a stream of hot piss through her panties into the planter of a fake ficus... all while the entire executive board of the company to which she was making said pitch was still in the room?!

Well, here's a window into how that next day went for her:  Called into her boss' office to (hopelessly, let's be honest) beg to keep her job... just as she had finally gotten to the end of her rope and started tip-toeing to the ladies' room.  I mean, can you blame her?  She'd just kept her head down and tried to get a ton of work done without drawing any attention to herself... pee-breaks weren't exactly a high-priority.  

The only problem, is now she's getting grilled while retaining an entire day's worth of anxiously collected urine --- probably doubled in volume compared to her usual fluid intake due to the neurotic sucking-down of her water bottle whenever memories of the previous day presented themselves... which happened frequently.

So, her bladder is FULL.  Really, really FULL.  It's quivering and rock-hard, like a large coconut.  Maybe the mental anguish is helping her keep everything "squinched", because she is certain that she's surpassed the level of need that she felt during that pitch.

She's probably going to be fired, but to be honest, the only thing on her mind is whether she'll get to pee before security escorts her out...




I think it's FAR more likely that her bladder is clenching in pure fear. Girl gonna pop in front of her boss :)