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Wooo-hooo!  So, I've been working on building a backlog of Omovember drawings so that I might actually stand a chance of completing it this year!  And so far, so good --- I've got 6 ready thus far, and I plan to keep plugging away until it's done!  (My goal is to make a ton of art more-so than for this to be an outright challenge, hence the early start!)

This first image is definitely more "finished" than the following ones, mainly because I wanted the introduction to be kind-of nice!  The rest of them will (probably) be in different stages of black-and-white, though all of them will relate to a unique prompt --- you probably know the gist of it!

Anyway, this won't make any sense unless you see those prompts, so I've posted the list below!  To be clear, these are hardly my original ideas --- some of them were inspired or even entirely nabbed from various earlier Omovember prompt lists.  I just tried to mix up the scenarios a bit so that they'd be different from each other on sequential days.

Omorashi can be divided into two camps: those who like to see wetting, and those who like to see people struggle to hold it.  Of course, we know which camp I'm personally in, by now!  XD  But I tried to keep the prompts ambiguous in that regard so I could cater to both with these drawings (as well as to allow people who might want to do their own work with them a bit more freedom)!

As such, there are basically two phrases that start each of these prompts!
a: "She's peeing herself because she..."

b: "She really needs to pee, but she..."


1: is in an unusual outfit --- hence Turkey-Girl! :D

2: is busy raking leaves

3: can't use her hands to help hold

4: is waiting on hold (phone call, voice call, etc.)

5: has to help someone with something first

6: is in a very public place, with people all around, but needs to look "normal"

7: can't go while only the men's room is available

8: is stuck XD

9: gets caught

10: has (had) to wait longer than she thought after starting her hold intentionally

11: is live-streaming or on TV

12: missed her opportunity to go by only a couple of minutes

13: is the victim of someone else who didn't want her to go

14: forgot her keys

15: can't leave without forfeiting a prize

16: refuses to ask the rest of the group, who incidentally, is entirely composed of men

17: can't get her zipper unstuck

18: isn't being helped despite someone's best efforts

19: is dancing

20: can't get the ropes undone after being tied up

21: is out on an autumn stroll

22: has to finish a tall drink before she can go --- maybe ;D

23: is in trouble and can't leave

24: is too busy preparing Thanksgiving dinner

25: will forfeit her final exam grade if she leaves

26: is to scared to get to the bathroom

27: accidentally locked herself inside of something

28: has been cruelly pranked by her friends

29: can't pause the game

30: *FREEBIE* --- is surrounded by killer turkeys or something, lol!



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