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(I'm writing a story to go with this, but it's not quite finished.  I'm already a few hours late with this as it is, so I'm going to post this now and either do a dedicated post for the story or edit the this on later.  Stay Tuned!)  

-- Minor Update --
Ok, this one took a while!  Sorry for the slight delay!  It also comes on the heels of a semi-resolved crisis... namely, I thought my graphics tablet monitor might finally be biting the dust.  


Fortunately, that appears to not be the case! Not entirely, at least.  Basically, the back light has started to fail, causing a downward cone of darkness to flicker from the top of my monitor.  Setting the brightness to nearly the dimmest setting appears to have resolved the issue (with the added benefit of less eye-strain).  Because this monitor's always run pretty hot, I suspect there's an LED in there that's getting cooked...  I'd crack it open and take a look, but I'd rather not until I have something else* I can work with.

(*That is, I can work with my laptop, but it makes me about four times as slow...  I attribute most of that to the rubberized nib on the pen for it more-so than the laptop itself, believe-it-or-not.)

The good news is, this thing now barely warms up in comparison to before, so I suspect the problem isn't going to get worse.  So, crisis averted!  :D




Awesome, I look forward to seeing the writeup!! Been suggesting for a while so glad to see it heh