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Fuuuhhhh....  That's gotta feel good!  Solitary wanted to know what happened to our poor advertising lady for this month's image ---

And she couldn't even make it through her entire pitch!  The first half had been a precarious pee-dance that eventually caught the attention of one of the executives...  After all, with her legs twisted together and a hand buried in her skirt, it was clear that this woman was only one sneeze away from pissing in herself.

"Looks like you could use one of our products, eh?" he said with a chuckle.  "Don't worry, we'll try not to take up too much of your time."

Oh... It didn't even occur to them that maybe they should let her go now, based on her dance routine.  Or worse... they were so cold as to expect a fully-grown woman to just ignore her dire emergency until the allotted meeting had concluded.

And apparently the proceeding discussion where they swapped stories of when they needed the bathroom at inopportune times was a necessary point of discussion for the proceeding fifteen minutes!  Despite this, she might have had a chance of at least making it out the door with her panties intact... had it not been for one critical blunder:

"O-okay---  Any questions?"  Oh fuck.  They definitely had questions after her ineffective explanation of the advertising campaign!  She answered two before she sprinted over to the ficus in the corner, tugged her skirt aside, and unleashed the most ferocious torrent of urine she'd ever seen --- through her panties.

They were probably saying something.  Or maybe nothing.  But her mind had shut down with the sheer bliss of finally doing what needed to happen.  In fact, the only errant thought that came to her mind was a question of whether-or-not the foam under the fake moss would actually be able to absorb her pee.  Hmmm...  Clever, eh?

And a Little Update!
Whew, things have been crazy around here lately!  I've got a number of commissions in-progress that I can't wait to show you all!  On top of that, I've started on the next pages for Off-Limits!  I've "thumbnailed" the next three-ish pages, because I'm trying to set myself up to get a few ready for you guys!  So keep your eyes peeled for that!

And --- because there's yet another thing in the works --- I'm trying to get something done to celebrate hitting 1k followers on Twitter!  It's a little silly --- but, hey, it will involve pee of the female variety!  XD  

I'm also trying to carve out some time to finally work on that little animated GIF I wanted to make when I hit my goal...  I'm thinking about doing something related to Pit-Stop, but I need to think about how that'd work.  Since it's a GIF (and will thus repeat), I think a bit of a pee-dance is in order!  :]

Anyway, I know that I have been a bit spotty in communications lately --- on Discord, Twitter, and the Org --- but I've been busy with the aforementioned "stuff".  I also get distracted really easily, so sometimes I'll stay offline when I'm trying to get time-sensitive stuff (i.e. commissions) done.




Amazing artwork and story! And it's great to hear that you are working on so much more. Looking forward to all your projects!