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Another commission for KingOKings365 featuring his OC, Vivian!  And this time, someone must have been really dedicated to screwing with her!  

She knew she didn't have more than a half-minute when she twisted the handle to this crude bathroom only to discover --- in horror --- that it wouldn't open.  She thought fast.  A really quick "wax key" spell would get her inside and thus spare her panties from the deluge of urine that was so dangerously close to escaping her body.  At this point, her control was as tenuous as the surface tension of a steadily-growing droplet that clung to the edge of a roof tile after a muggy summer rain; even a small breeze could send it twinkling down onto the gravel.

Even twisting her ethereal key until the heavy latch clicked open required unbelievable patience and endurance.  Her clamped thighs and awkward stance made even walking an agonizing nightmare.

At first, it didn't register in her mind.  But after a few waddled steps toward the wooden "half-barrel" commode, she realized that there was a lot more metal on it than there should have been...  In fact, accompanying the typical, press-fit ring that held the wood tightly together were two crossed bands of additional metal.  

As Vivian's eyes adjusted to the darkness, she realized two things.  First, those bands encircled the lid --- they weren't coming off!  Second, her half-minute had run out. 



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