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"Pleaaaaaaaase!" Harlyn begged her sister from the backseat of their beat-up sedan.

"No!"  Lexie shot back.

"Just take the exit!  Please, please, please, please!"  She brought her boots up onto the seat as she pulled her knees to her chest. 

"You should have peed before we left!"

"No, please, you don't understand --- I'm literally about to pee myself!  I'll do anything!"   Harlyn whined in response with tears rolling down her cheeks.  Her  hands squeezed at her womanhood as every bump and shudder jostled the  rusted-out suspension.

The problem was simple: Lexie was pissed --- downright, bone-chewing livid.  It had been a three hour drive to get to the concert and they had been running late.  Why?  Because Harlyn had gotten caught up in some stupid game that  made them run late.  Lexie had been waiting all year for the band to finally appear at least within their state --- and considering said band was foreign, she was lucky that they had chosen to tour the states at all.  The tickets weren't cheap either...

Harlyn attempted to explain herself on their way there: she thought she was forty-five minutes early, while --- in fact --- she was fifteen minutes late.   Stupid math.  That explanation had at least kept her sister quiet and  stewing for the drive.  They'd make it --- everything would be fine.

And they did make it before the band started.  This was  strange, because they were at least a half-hour late.  They had to get  gas, and care-free Harlyn had disappeared to fetch them some sodas  adding another fifteen to the trip.

See, maybe Lexie was mad about being late...  But she was likely  actually upset about how the show had been cancelled due to the incoming storm.  (Oh how open-ceiling venues and fallible weather-reporting never  mix...)  What an absolutely "shit-tastic" day it had been...  And while  an explosive Lexie went to get a refund for the tickets, Harlyn tried  to cheer her up with some mega-sized slushies.  She didn't want hers... go figure

So, now that it was four hours, a soda, and two mega-sized slushies later, Harlyn was in a predicament.  Lexie must have peed after getting her refund...  Harlyn, on the other hand, hadn't peed since before the game that made them late in the first place; she didn't want to make them even later, after all!

And oh sweet tortoise on a unicycle, Harlyn needed to pee.   This was the kind of need-to-pee that didn't fuck around.  Hot beads of  sweat rolled down her forehead and dripped from her bangs onto her  glasses.  Her body quivered as she strained against the violent call of  nature.  She could count every pebble their shitty car hit  --- even the tiniest of debris caused her seconds of burning anguish.

She held on like she was dangling from a skyscraper.

"Please..." Harlyn squeaked from behind clenched teeth.

Lexie peered at her for a moment from the side of her eye.  Past  Harlyn's window, the last rest stop for forty miles slid past and  disappeared into the garbled darkness of the storm.



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