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Hi guys,

the most of you surely have noticed that I'm overdue in delivering new stuff. I've had some bad luck again. The winter was quite short here, just a bit more than for two weeks it was cold enough for snow and at least for one hour a day I want to get out of my room for a walk. I only have rubber boots for muddy weather conditions and the winter time and that's no good on packed snow or even ice. Well, I slipped several times. Nothing broken, no weird colors on my skin (at least where I can look at), but two days after the last fall my right wrist started to make trouble, when driving (steering, shifting gear) or when using the PC mouse or keyboard (writing this with my left hand). That's no good for a righty. In other words, my working pace now got even slower. My usual painkiller won't work on my wrist, so my daily workload is nearly zero. I can't help it and I'm sorry for this. I ask for forgiveness.

Thank you all for your endless patience and you so generous support. I'll be back.

Big hug (don't panic, its just virtual)!




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