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I've had some trouble with my PC (again), so I had to re-install all of my applications. Programmers are lazy, so they combine their programs with other software to save some time. Because of this it can happen that you want a special program, but for the installation you need dozens of other applications as well, so called dependencies (Linux world). For my 'secret lair' I used the last free version of Jalbum (10.5.2-1) and this needs Java7. Both too old to install by now, Java7 needs so many other programs, that I can't invest more time to seek if they still exist and where to find them. I found another software, phpAlbum, old, but runs on the server and is for free as well. I'm not a programmer, my capabilities are limited, but I'm trying to let it look like the old lair. You can take a peek here to version 2.1 of my 'secret lair', the main page will remain the same. Downtime planned for Monday, the 10th of September.

In case you know phpAlbum and would like to help me, call me by eMail to KiSheBoMo@loveyouforever.de

Thank you all for your understanding, endless patience and generous support!

Please and thank you!


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