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The polls are closed and the results are in! Our next update is (drum roll)... THE BROTHEL UPDATE!!!

So, with our next update decided and in the works. I want to go over what you can expect in the next update and some of the mechanics.

As most of you know, this update will have a big focus on client and worker relations. It will also focus on the receptionist and her ability to assign work. What we didn't mention before is the update to worker Traits and other changes. So let's dive into it.

Worker and Client Relations
Worker and Client relations will be more complex. This will largely depend on worker traits and the stats of both the clients and workers. Stats like hygiene and mood will play a bigger part in the price clients will pay and how happy the girls are with the clients. Clients with low moods and hygiene are more likely to be disliked by the workers. At the same time, workers with low hygiene and mood will fetch a lower price with clients. Traits will also play a role in worker likes and dislikes but more about that later.

Client generation and jobs
One big rework or overhaul will be Client generation and jobs. Clients will now have unique appearances. Along with appearances, Clients will have unique jobs which will decide the range of their stats and the chance of trying to leave without paying. For example, Clients with a politician job will have better hygiene and wealth compared to a thug. Getting better Clients will rely on your reputation.

Client Requests
Client requests will also be a feature added in the next update. These requests will be limited at first (Until we add more clothes, traits, and other things), but they will play a big part in client satisfaction.

Setting Prices and Bonuses
Setting prices and bonuses was a big mechanic in the original. We want to try and rework this mechanic to make it clearer to the player how prices affect the clients and how bonuses affect the workers. The original had you set a price and sort of barter with the client. Setting the price too high would lower the client's mood and they would refuse your offer. We want to change this. Instead, we want to incorporate a satisfaction meter. This meter will be affected by the requests fulfilled, price set, and workers assigned to the client. Clients won't be able to refuse your offers, but dissatisfied customers will lower your reputation and may lead to other consequences. Likewise, we want to give the workers the same satisfaction meter. Their meter will be affected by the client's stats and bonus set. Keeping your workers satisfied will reduce mood and stamina loss.

Worker Traits
Although traits are part of a bigger update, we feel it's best to include some traits that will affect the brothel's business. We've come up with 16 traits to include in the new update. These traits can affect the worker's stamina, client's satisfaction, experience gained, and worker's feelings towards clients. Some of these traits are better than others and will appear less frequently. We have plans to allow you to influence traits and even remove them, but that will be in a different update.

Another big part of this update is the receptionist. In the original game, you needed to upgrade the brothel in order to assign a receptionist. This is still something we will do in the future, but until we do the Stage Plan Update, we will be letting you assign a receptionist from the start.

Just like the original, the receptionist will be tasked with assigning workers to clients while you're not around. Unlike the original, you'll be able to dictate the receptionist's priorities. You'll be able to have the receptionist focus on gaining money, reputation, brothel security, worker happiness, or experience points. This will hopefully reduce the amount of work it takes to manage the brothel and staff.

That's about it for now. We have more things we want to add to this update, but we would rather finish everything above and see if we have time left before promising anything.

We want to know your thoughts in the comments and in our discord. What are you most excited about? Do you have any suggestions for Traits? Were you expecting something else in this update? Let us know.

As always, thank you for your support. We've grown a lot in the past week and we're ecstatic. We can't thank you enough for your support, kind reviews, and feedback. Thank you.



You are doing a great job I can´t wait to see this game alive again


I'm really looking forward to the update. I have one question though. in the original simbro you could play as a man or as a woman. but at the moment you can only play as a man will it stay that way or will you also be able to play as a woman?


Hey BlackSky! The next update poll will contain an option for Female Protagonist. If it's chosen, we will be adding an option to play as a female protagonist for the v0.05 update.