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Sorry for the late update. It's been an eventful month, but I'm back with some important news!

So, to start things off, we won't have an updated alpha this week. We like to try and release a new update every two weeks, but this week has been eventful, to say the least. However, I do have some great news. We have found a dedicated animator for Simbro ResErection! Right now they are working on the character models to fix some of the glaring issues seen in the alpha. Once they have the models fixed we hope to have them start work on "naughty" scenes sooner than later.

Character Art
SkullZombie is hard at work doing hand and face gestures for the male model. He is also still working on the Eva skin. Once those are finished, SkullZombie will move on to other NPCs that work around the city like the bartender and cops.

Background Art
Mamacita is still working on other commissions but was nice enough to send a sketch over for the police prison cell. We aren't sure when Mamacita will finish with the other commissions, but it's nice to know that she is still taking the time to work on our stuff.

UI Art
RivRina has finished the "naughty" menu! This marks the last UI that we need for the game. RivRina will now move on to making clothes and hair for our character models. I've included a WIP above of the current clothes and hairstyle she is working on.

I'm currently working on the combat system. I'm hoping to get something simple out for the next update so that I can start adding in slum fights and debt-collector fights. I've also been working on the backend of things, getting the scrolling working properly and squishing any bugs I come across. Once the combat system is functional I'll be moving on to the naughty menu.

Future Plans
So, I wanted to take some time to explain what the near future has in store for us and you, our supporters. Right now, we are working on getting a public version (aka the demo) ready for the beginning of May. The demo will be nearly identical to the supporter version aside from ads(we remove links to Patreon and other places from the supporter version) and cheats. This will be the case until we start adding events, story progression, and more content in general.

Along with the public (demo) version, we hope to release a Steam version. This will allow us to get more support for the game and maybe even allow me to work more than two days a week on this project. Besides more financial support, we also want this to be an alternative way of supporting the game for you guys and gals. I know what it's like to support a game only to have creators abandon ship. So I figure that this will be a way for everyone to still support the game without having that monthly charge. If you decide to support us on Steam and cancel your support here, that's fine. I know how tight money is right now and I want you to take care of yourself.

This wouldn't be a proper update unless I took the time to thank all of you. Honestly, this was just a dream last year. Because of all of you, it's been made a reality. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You're continued support and enthusiasm for the game mean the world to me and the rest of the team.




Is there a Mac version now?