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We got the trifecta, boys! Art from all of our artists! That's not all; we have a new alpha release for patrons and so much more. So, let's dive in.

Background Art
Yet another background was finished by the amazing Mamacita. We are getting close to having all the backgrounds needed for the demo. We still need the bank bathroom, master bedroom, police jail cell, hospital, hospital room, and others, but we are so close. I'll be sending Mamacita the hospital reference tonight.

Character Art
SkullZombie finished the next set of clothes and hair! These are always time-consuming because he must ensure they are ready for animation. Although these aren't in-game, I hope to have them in-game in the next few updates. SkullZombie is now working on some expression changes and hand gestures for the characters while I get more references for him.

UI Art
Our background artist returned to me with the complete UI art for the combat system. She always takes a ton of care in crafting the best art possible. I was considering sending her references for the "naughty" menu, but I think sending her either the mission UI reference or the Map reference is more reasonable. This is mainly because I have a lot of other things I'm working on right now, and these would be easier to implement.

I've been busy with a boatload of things these past few weeks, but let's talk about the programming side.

I've added a significant element to the game! Brothel Management! Now you can receive clients, assign a "worker," haggle, and profit. This system is still new and needs a ton of work, but it's a massive part of the game started.

Next, I've added a notification system. This will send on-screen notifications to you when certain in-game events happen. You'll no longer need to wait at the reception to see if a new client has arrived. Instead, you get a notification on the left side of the screen (as long as you're not already in the reception area). You'll also be notified when a "worker" finishes their "service" as long as you don't have a receptionist assigned.

A new resolution handler has also found its way into the game. This is the laziest implementation I could muster. I wanted to remove the black bars appearing when the game wasn't a 16:9 aspect ratio. This system basically "stretches" the surface to eliminate black bars. This isn't ideal, but it's a quick fix for now. I'll add an option later to disable this function for those that have the game distorted too much.

Last, I've added a cheat menu for windows. The reason it's only for windows right now is due to the lack of icon. All other versions will have it in the future. The menu isn't much and only allows you to add money or a worker, but it's a start to what I hope to be a well-fleshed-out system.

As some may know, I've landed the Simbro ResErection Discord Server recently. I wanted to give everyone a hub for downloading new versions of the game, talking about the game, and suggesting new content directly. It still needs a bunch of work, but I hope it will become something extraordinary.

So, I've submitted the store page for Simbro ResErection. Although the game still needs much work, I wanted to get this out of the way early. What is the purpose of selling the game on steam? Well, we have a couple of reasons. First, we want to reach the largest audience possible. Second, we want to give people another option when it comes to supporting the game. One that doesn't require a monthly payment. We still have a way to go, but it is in the works.

New Exports
We are now exporting versions to Linux and Mac! With HTML5 being so unstable, we wanted to step away from it without leaving those with Windows or Android out to dry. So, we took a big step and acquired the means to make Linux and Mac versions. These versions are available now for patrons and will be available on steam as the game releases its demo.

Dang, that was a lot to talk about. As always, let me take the time to thank all of you for supporting this team. We started out with just an idea and a sprinkle of ambition, but your support drove this project to where it is now. We have an alpha, discord server, and multiplatform releases, and we are growing at a steady pace. This is all due to your support, feedback, and genuine love for the project. Thank you.




looking good so far keep it up