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Hey! It's your favourite Viking back with more news about Simbro ResErection!

Let's start with programming. I've been slaving away over a hot keyboard getting the new character stat screen running. I'm happy to say it's now in working order. The new stat menu looks way better and even has a scrollable wardrobe! That's not all! I've started adding the slum's events. These events only contain dialogue, but it's a massive step in getting a playable version ready. I've also polished things like the character icons and name display in the contacts menu. I know it's not huge, but it's one less thing to do. You will also see time typically pass now; with that, the slum's background change accordingly.


Not a ton of news on the art front. As you can see above, our UI artist is hard at work getting more assets ready for the game. She's been under the weather, so seeing this much work from her is impressive. The above art isn't in the game yet, but it will be added soon.

As for the character art and background art, we are still waiting for that. Mamacita and SkullZombie have other clients and projects, so these things take time. We will have more to show you in the following weeks.


On to other topics. I've been working hard to get the HTML5 version of the game working. As some may not know, HTML5 builds can be very finicky. Because these builds are compiled differently, the game can misbehave. Right now, I'm trying to fix a bug that is cracking the HTML5 version of the game. I can't give a solid release for the HTML5 build, but rest assured that it is something I'm actively working on.


Along with the HTML5 build, I've been working on the steam launch for the game's free demo. The hard part of the submission is finished, and now it's just making the promo art and completing the demo.

What's Next

While waiting for assets, I plan to continue adding events and dialogues. I hope to have our UI artists start on the dialogue box and choices and quickly move on to the combat UI.

I'm also in the process of finding a dedicated animator for the project. Although I have plenty of experience in the field, I think it's better to have a single person dedicated to this. It is a significant part of the game, and I want it to be top-notch.

Update on my life

Everything is finally getting back to normal. My mother has finished her cancer treatment; my father made it through surgery and is back home resting. My dog is also back home and is feeling better than ever.

I want to take a moment and thank all our supporters for their kind wishes and consideration. It means the world to me that so many of you reached out with your kind words.


As always, thank you for your continued support. We are getting closer and closer to a playable demo, and it's all thanks to you. I'll be releasing a new build for Patrons to play in the next couple of hours to see the changes to the game firsthand.

Update: Added a completed version of the hud in the images and the season icons.



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