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We're back with another update! We have a lot to talk about, so I will try and make this as organized as possible.

First things first, we have a new alpha build for you! We've been working hard on squashing bugs and adding code infrastructure. This update contains settings to adjust the volume of music, SFX, and voice. We've also added the start bonus selection and character customization (more on that below). On top of that, this update has the bar concept art (above) implemented, along with a rough demo of the game's main theme music! That's about it for noticeable additions. What's not noticeable is the rework for the character icon generation and character portraits in the stats screen, but I won't bore you with that.

Let's talk about the music. As you may remember, I was looking for a composer to create original music for the game. Luckily, it didn't take long to find one. As mentioned above, you can hear the new music in the alpha. The composer did a great job of creating something easy on the ears. It gives me Persona vibes. The music is a rough demo, but I'm pretty happy with the outcome. Once the composer polishes the current track, he will immediately move on to the music for combat scenes!

Next! Character art! So, I came across a significant flaw in the character art. Mainly the way SkullZombie designed the move parts. Some of the body parts have multiple clothes tied to the art. It's hard to explain, but you'll see in the alpha when you change the character's clothes. What does this mean? Well, it's not super critical. It means that I will need to alter the current art. We may need to adjust the character rigs slightly, but I'm not concerned. This does mean that the male character in the "naughty" scenes won't have the same clothes as your customized character. Once we fix the art, it will be fixed as well.

Okay, backgrounds! Mamacita has been hard at work making the new bar background. As you can see above, she is doing a great job. The sign in the back will be changed to Margo's Bar (named after the bartender), but besides that, the finished product will be a crisper, coloured version of the rough draft. Once Mamacita is finished with the bar, I'll probably have her move onto the Office background. I like the one in the game now, but I think it clashes with the rest.

Last but not least, I want to talk about the UI. Currently, I'm working with a new artist to redo the UI. Because our original UI artist ghosted us, I feel it's better to start from scratch. This new artist seems to know what she is doing, and I can't wait to see what she comes up with. With that said, once I have some finished work from her, I'd like to hear your opinion.

That's about it for this update. I'll leave a link to the alpha down below, and as always, thanks for reading.




In terms of bugs, I have no (new) bugs to report ;) Music indeed feels nice, cannot wait for more! :) As character art and UI are worked on, there is not much to complain, will wait for finished stuff. Just one thing I want to mention: when you are in phone menu where you build rooms it would be nice to see your current money and add option to cancel building (for now when you click "build" but want to back out you need to go back to phone main menu and enter borthel managment again) for those indecisive :D Keep up the good work!


Thanks for your feedback DDzu! It's always so insightful and helpful. Honestly, I kept meaning to add a cancel building button. I just get sidetracked sometimes, lol. I'll definitely add it now. I'll also add a display for your money while I'm at it.