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Heya folks and foxes.

A belated merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all.

It has been a while and on my end it has been quite a tough while with little energy and serious downtime as I had to get weened off my oxy and codeine. Not just learn how to handle the addiction but cut it completely. This has been a tough one much to my surprise, actually. I thought that it would not be a problem - oh boy was I wrong! Long story very short, I managed to fight my way trough to the other side and I am now clean. One hell of a struggle, though.

I am not sure I would not have made it if not for The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077 and Horizon Zero Dawn. Those 400+ gaming hours managed to keep my mind occupied throughout December and into January, which helped me managing my withdrawal symptoms. I am never doing this again! playing games; yes! Not the oxy and codeine addiction.

Anyways. I am still trying me hands on animating and I have decided that any animations are going to be made in DAZ, which is the program that I use for the images. It's mostly like fighting a toddler, throwing a husky temper tantrum, but if I where to dive into Blender for the animations, I am not sure when I would be able to return to SotF. I also tried my hands on UE5, IClone8 and Cascadeur. None of those really tickle my fancy. There seems to be quite the learning curve with these programs. UE5 looks fairly interesting and it could be interesting to create an adult game in that engine, but that is maybe something for the future - who knows.

As you probably already have guessed I am returning to SotF sometime this year. The first order of business will be an updated version 0.7 (will be labeled as version 0.7.1). It will be released when I have added animations to all the sex scenes that exists in the game at the time of writing this. There are quite a few sex scenes so it will take a while.

I hope that life treats you well and thank you for your patience.

I will try to keep you updated on a more regular basis in the future.

Cheers - Kaffekop



Ver y glad to hear you are doing better. keep taking care of your self. Everything else will work out in time.

Bryan Costa

Congratulations! Hope your health continues to improve and get better.


Hey congratulations on the sobriety. Doing what you did take a lot of strength and trust me I completely understand. I have 12 years sobriety from both alcohol and drugs (many kinds). Take it one day at a time and man and don't feel afraid to reach out to someone if you feel like things are slipping. Stick with it because your life is just beginning now.


Hope you still making good progress, both in gaming and Life!