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Hello folks and foxes

It has been a while but I have finally returned home this weekend. I have decided not to continue the treatment, of course I have talked it over with my therapist and others, and we are in agreement that I will not benefit from this form of treatment any longer. As of tomorrow I am to receive treatment on a weekly basis where I will "simply" go to meetings twice a week and this can be done from my home.

Both mentally and physically i am in a very good place these days and I almost feel like I have been given a second go at life. Being rid of the medications are a tremendous feeling of elation and happiness. I am not completely off the hook, but the current medication is less invasive in my daily life - yay!

About Sins of the Father.

I will be taking this month, maybe two, just to reacquaint myself with Daz and RenPy (particularly RenPy) before I move on to actually working on version 0.8. There will be some changes made to the current iteration of the project before I move on to the next version.

I want to add the possibility of naming the saves and I want to add a gallery function. I am also considering removing the images down in the left corner of the gaming screen. I am not convinced that they add anything useful to the experience - what do you think?

Another thing I will be spending time on is reworking some of the images from prior versions. Most notably the MC's "third leg" needs a redo and if this is possible with little to no hassle, I will make that happen. I mean ... his current "third leg" does not resemble a "third leg" that much.

I will work towards releasing version 0.8 this year. It all depends on how fast I can get into things again and how much trouble the a fore mentioned stuff proves to be.

I hope that you all are staying safe and that life is treating you well. I thank you all for your patience with me and I am looking forward to continue Sins of the Father.

Cheers - Kaffekop



Welcome back 😉


Goodl luck man, I'm glad you're not abandoning this, since you really created something great


Glad you are feeling better; keep up the therapy. Take care of yourself and do not stress about the game, everybody wants it right now but we can wait. Anyone can knock something off over a weekend but awesomeness takes time. I'd rather have awesome.


So glad you're doing better and are willing to take on the task of game development again! You're awesome and you will get back into the swing of things soon enough, plenty of people are rooting for you. Take your time, the community will be ready when you are.


Good to hear back from you and glad you're on a good place! Keep it up


Okay, most importantly, I wish you strength and energy in order to successfully continue working on the project!


Good to hear that you are feeling better again. But still, take care of yourself, don't stress out. About the side images: you could also make them optional with a button in the preferences. I did something similar in one of my mods and it was actually well received.


Hey! I'm glad you're back. The main thing is to continue the treatment and get well! You will have time to make up for everything. Take care!

Mr R

Welcome back! Glad you're feeling better! I personally don't mind the close-up pictures in the bottom left, as I think it adds some personality to each line, and gives a bit of an inside view on how they're feeling. If they take a decent amount of work to do, though, they could easily be forgotten. Hope you keep feeling better!