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Hello guys and girls.

As I mentioned in the last newsflash I was about to make a big upgrade to my render rig. That turned out to be a limited success as the motherboard I was going to use turned out to have two faulty RAM slots. Now I'm in a waiting game again, this time for bigger RAM blocks.  I've been promised that they will arrive next week, but these days ... who bloody knows!

This means, that I haven't been able to get rendering done in the amount that I had set my hopes on. Some images can be rendered in a batch, while others forces the render rig to reboot. Annoying as hell!

I've begun coding the stuff I already have made so that is out of the way when I get my hands on the RAM and can begin turning out renders in earnest again. Hopefully that will keep me on track for a release this month - we'll just have to see.

On a more personal note. I'm doing remarkably fine, even considering that one of my dogs had to be put down recently. It is unnerving how much pain and feeling of loss that decision has caused inside me, but it was for the best. 14 years is okay for a big dog (Labrador + border collie). Devilishly smart and close to omnivorous.

You all take care and stay safe.

Cheers - Kaffekop



So sorry to hear about your dog. Take time to mourn him/her. Good luck in these times my friend.

Julian Harper

Sorry to hear about your dog, hope you're not feeling the loss too much


Sorry to hear about it man. Had the same breed a few years ago. I felt very sad after his loss as well. Black lab colie , smart and tricky as a fox. Best damn dog I ever had.


So sorry to hear about your dog, but very glad to hear that you are doing well!


Patience to you! Yes, it really unsettles when something goes wrong. I am also very sorry for your dog, this is terrible.


hi what about the Sins of the father . still on ? finish ?


So sorry to hear about your pooch KK. But on the brighter side, you're back on doing what you do best. Take care and stay safe. I think I might have missed but are you planning on taking SotF to the end?


It is still very much on. Got some hardware issues that should be sorted now.