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And a little more traditional setup for presenting her in all her glory.

Cheers - Kaffekop




Thanks Kaffekop for a fabulous start of the weekend! It feels SoTF has just started? Are you planning to work on both projects in parallel 😁


No, but I believe in being prepared to have a second project all ready to go, by the time I'm done with SoTF. I may of course have to go the "MrDots route" at some point and having something ready to move into production relatively fast, will probably prove beneficial for all of us. I'll probably share a little more about the project over the weekend, if I can find the time. Cheers ;-)


Looking forward to it and amazing news to hear there’s much to come with SoTF the very best story line indeed 😆! You take care!

Walter L.

I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but the hair doesn't really work that well for me. Loose hair or a ponytail in a more traditional position would look better for me. Just my personal taste of course, apart from that, she's a gorgeous milf.




Well, she may actually loose that hair because it is a pain to work with. I don't have that many hair for the G8 figure yet, so I just tried the ones I had and this one was the best for now. It is one of two hairstyles that she will be using. One for work, something like the one portrayed and one that is more loose. I want her hair to reach her butt, at least for now. As time goes by she may still change a bit.

Jimmy Lovell

I,m glad to see your filling well enough to even think of a new project,we have miss you, work can be good


To be fair, the project has been simmering since 2018, along with a few others. Mostly in the shape of various brainstorms and a basic synopsis about what, where and why for the overall story.